miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

Crime and Punishment by Fedor Dostoiewski (sixth part)


Raskolnikof seems to be in a state that he could not distinguish the reality and his thoughts, he could not remember some things, many times he did not know how to went a place, one time he was a forest, but he did not remember how to went there. The last days he preferred to stay alone, but he was affected for that, because he felt that he was being followed, after that he decided to go to see Sonia, she was preparing the funeral ceremony with Svidrigailof. After that he returned to his home where he found Rasumikhine, he said that his mother was sick, and his sister received a letter, after that she was concerned, Rasumikhine went to see Avdotia, and Raskolnikof wanted to go out, in that Porfirio came there, he said that he wanted to talk with him, then Raskolnikof offered a seat.


At the beginning they were in silence, after a few minutes Porfirio said that he had to give him a explanation for the events occurred in the last days, he said that he started to suspect him, when he had hallucinations about a stone and bell, after that when he told Zosimof that he was the murder of the old pawnbroker, but, all of things only were suspicions, because Mikolka was the murder, after that he said that he did not believe that Mikolka was the murder, then Raskolnikof asked him, then who?, Porfirio said, you are the murder, Raskolnikof did not say nothing, after a few minutes Raskolnikof said that he should arrest him, Porfirio said at that  time will not but it has evidence, and he left the room.


Raskolnikod wanted to talk with Svidrigailof, so he went to see him, when he was walking by the market, Raskolnikof saw him, at the beginning Svidrigailof tried to hide, after a few minutes, he called to Raskolnikof, when Raskolnikof came there, he saw that he was with a girl that she was singing and a boy that he was playing an accordion, in that moment he invited him to take a cup of wine, Raskolnikof said that he wanted to talk with him, then he said that if he try to use the secret that Raskolnikof had to try to blackmail his sister, he would kill him before denouncing it, after that Svidrigailof said that she will help to save him.


Svidrigailof continued drinking, he took a cup of liquor, and he was drinking bit to bit, while he was talking with Raskolnikof, Svidrigailof said that he was not interested in her, because she was pure, and he respected her, furthermore, he said that he told him how was his married, at the beginning he was recued by Marfa Petrovna, when he was in the prison and he had a big debt, she helped him, then they were married, after that Marfa  hired a governess, she was Avdotia Romanovna, she tried to change Svidrigailof, many times she said him that he should change, but he did not want, now, he did not want nothing with her because, he is going to get married with another girl, she had sixteen years old, when he came there, he met her in a bar, she was a poor person, so he spoke with her family, and he wanted to get married with her, her family were agree.


Svidrigailof and Raskolnikof left the room, Svidrigailof took a different path, but Raskolnikof wanted to go with him, because he thought that he could to try to do something against Avdotia, after that Svidrigailof took a car and Raskolnikof went far away of there, Svidrigailof had a meeting with Avdotia, they were gathered in a street, she asked him what told her in the letter, then he said that place is not appropriate for speaking about that, then they went to his house, he close the door, after he told the truth about his brother, Svidrigailof said that he is a murder, because, he had killed to the old pawnbroker, he said that he could save him, but if she wanted, she doubt about that, she thought that it was a trap, she had a gun, and she used it, but she failed, falter that he gave the key and let her go.


Svidrigailov went to different places that night, in one of them he found a girl that she was singing for him, and a boy that he played a musical instrument, he did not drink liquor, only drank tea, after that he decided to go to see Sonia, and he gave many documents to her, they were payment receipts of the Catalina's children, also he gave her some money, after that he went to see his girlfriend, he said that he had to leave the city, but he will return, so he gave her a lot of money as a gift by marriage, after that he went to a hotel, he went to sleep, he had many nightmares during the night, at dawn he left the hotel and went to find a solitary place, but he thought that a crowded place will be better, he stood in front a officer, and he triggered the gun and killed himself.


In the same morning Raskolnikov want to see his family, but when was near from their house, he had a doubt, so was decided to tell them the truth, when he had arrived there, his mother received him, so they were talking several minutes, they spoke about the article that had published him, she was very sad, because she had a presentiment about him, they were crying, he said that he love her, after that he left the house, because he had to return to his home, there his sister was waiting for him, they were talking, she knew the truth about him, she said that he must go to the police officer, he gave her a picture of his girlfriend who had died, and she was the only one who knew of his project, but she did not agree, after that they left the room, and took different paths.


Raskolnikof went to see Sonia, she seemed to wait for him, she was worried, because she thought that he could take a bad decision, they were talking for several minutes, he said that he had taken a decision, he must go to the police station, because he wanted to tell the truth, she was crying, then he asked her the cross, she gave him a wooden cross, because she had the bronze cross, that was of Lisbeth, after that she wanted to go with him, but he did not want, she stayed there and he went to the police station, when he arrived there, he knew about the dead of Svidrigailof, after that he wanted to say something, but he had problems to speak, finally he said that i killed the old pawnbroker.

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016

Crime and Punishment by Fedor Dostoiewski (fifth part)


The next day Luji I was thinking about the problem with his ex girlfriend, because he was sure that they would get married, he thought that if he had given them some money the things would be different, after that he had a meeting, but it was terrible too, when he came to his departament, he has a friend called Andrés Simonovitch, they share the apartment , Lujine thought that he could help him to introduce to the politic life, because he knew many important people, but Lujine started to hate him. His friend asked him if he went to the food organized by Catalina Ivanovna, he said that he will not go, but he wanted to talk with Sonia, his friend went to look her, when he came there, he said that he wanted to help him with a raffle, and, he gave her some money, she took the money, and went out.


Many people believed that Catalina Ivanovna was crazy, because she did not have a lot of money, but she preferred to make a meal for the funeral of his husband, they thought that she could crazy by her illness. The lessor of his department was Amalia Ivanovna, she was helping to Catalina Ivanovna in the kitchen and preparing the meal, furthermore, she was in charge to other people to the meal, but Catalina considered that was wrong, because the main guests did not come, instead of them, other people arrived without invitation, after a while Raskolnikof came there and he apologized for not attending the ceremony at the cemetery, after that Sonia also came there, she was worried, because Catalina Ivanovna was upset, she thought that the meal will have a terrible end, she said something that ofended to Amalia, and she picked her silverware, after that she said that Catalina must leave the department.


In the room only listened the voices of people who had drunk a lot, in that moment Lujini appeared in the door, he asked by Sonia, Catalina was glad with Lujini, he went to Sonia, and asked for a bill of a hundred rubles, that he had on the table, Sonia said that she did not know about it, alter that Lujini said that he had counted his money, before Sonia arrive there. Then the only person who could take the money was her. Andrés Simonovitch was listening in the door, then, he said that is a dirty trick, because himself put the money in the pocket of Sonia, he saw it, Andrés saw how Lujini took the money and put it in her pocket, after that Raskolnikof told them that about his family, and he said that was a trap of him to blame Sonia, that will be a proof of his words, and he could reconcile with  Avdotia.


After of the incidents in the Catalina's house, Sonia went to her house, after a few minutes Raskolnikof went too Sonia's house, he had the intention to tell her the truth about the crime, when was there, he had a doubt, he thought that he was doing the right, then he decided to entered the room, Sonia seemed to be waiting for him, after that they sat around the small table, Raskolnikof started to talk about his ideas and ideology about power, and how important people could do bad things, after that he told her how happened the crime, then she understand that he had murdered two people, she was worry about it, Raskolnikof said that he did not wanted to confess the truth, but he asked her that she stayed with him. They were concerned.


Andres Simonovitch went to Sonia's house, because he wanted to tell her that Catalina Ivanovna had gone mad, when she had come, she took her dress and became in clothes for her children, because she wanted that her sons sing and dance on street for money, Sonia went to look to Catalina, Raskolnikof  went to his house , after that his sister came there, and she said that she knew about his decision, because Rasumikhine told her, after that he went to look for Sonia, she was looking for Catalina, they were near Sonia's house, the children were dancing and singing, a man gave them 3 rubles, after that Catalina Ivanovna started to feel bad, Sonia took her to his home, Catalina was passing blood from his mouth, Sonia put her in her bed, after a few minutes she died, Svidrigailof was living next to Sonia, he said that he can pay the funeral and take the kids to an orphanage.

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

Crime and Punishment by Fedor Dostoiewski (fourth part)


The strange man that was in the room, he was waiting for a few time to talk with Raskolnikof, after a while Raskolnikof opened his eyes and saw him, at the starting he did not recognize him, but after a minuto he recognized him, he was Svidrigailof, his sister had worked with him time ago, Raskolnikof asked him what he wanted, he said that he wanted to talk with his sister, because he wanted to avoid that she married with Lujini, so, Svidrigailof also wanted to give an amount of money to her, he said it is trying to repair somehow everything that he had when she worked for him in his house, Raskolnikof did not agree with him, after that Svidrigailof said his wife had let an inheritance for her and she will receive in a few weeks. Finally he said that tells the whole conversation to her sister.


When Svidrigailov was leaving the Raskolnikov's room, his friend arrived there, then they went to visit Rasoklnikof's family because they have a meeting with Lujini, while they were walking there, Raskolnikof said that it is posible that he was crazy, everything was produced by his mind, when they came there, they sat around a table to take the tea, immediately Lujini also arrived, he was angry because he had written to Pulqueria Alejandrovna that he wanted to see Raskolnikof because he had insulted him, Avdotia Romanovna asked him about the trouble and if it can fix, Lujini said that it is imposible, Avdotia don not break the engagement, in that they were starting to talk about Svidrigailof, Raskolnikof said that he was in his room a few hours before and he wanted to have meeting with Avdotia, in that Lujine left the room, they finished the engagement, but he hoped reconciliation.


Luis left the room, after that he was thinking as it had been his life with Avdotia Romanovna as wife, he always wanted to marry with a poor educated girl because he wanted that he saw him as a hero, then he found Avdotia, she was everything he wanted, but now all it ended. The others stayed in their home, and they were talking for several minutes, all of them seem to be cheerful, but Avdotia Romanova has a pale face, in that Raskolnikof told them what Svidrigailof asked him, it was he wanted to give amount of money to Avdotia, Raskolnikof was not agree with that, but Avdotia Romanovna was thinking about that Raskolnikof had said. After that Raskolnikof took his had and left the room, he seemed to say goodbye forever, his friend left the room, they were talking in the hall, Raskolnikof said him, do not let them ever.


Raskolnikof went to see Sonia, he asked to the doorman where is the Sonia's room, when he was there he saw to Sonia, she was surprised because she did not expect him, Raskolnikof was looking around the room, after that they were talking about her family, she was worried because her stepmother was very sick, and Raskolnikof asked her many question, what will happen to them, then she started to cry, after a few minutes he said that he had a secret, and he said many words that she did not understand, furthermore, he said that he left his mother and sister, and he wanted to stay with he, because they were equal.  Finally he said that next day he will tell her about his secret.


Next day Raskolnikof went to police station, it is because Porfirio wanted to talk with him, Raskolnikof thought that he was going to be interrogated, but when arrieved there, he noticed that nobody was taking care to him, he was waiting for a few minutes before to talk with Porfirio, he was waiting for him, they started to talk about many things, Raskolnikof was confused because he thought that was a interrogation, Raskolnikof began to become angry with Porfirio, he thought that Porfirio wanted to confuse him until he confess the truth about the crime, Porfirio said that is false, if you were a suspect, I did other things, after that Porfirio said that he had something to show him, it was a person, Raskolnikof was surprised because he thought that he would be a witness, he was in another room.


Raskolnikof was hungry because he wanted that Porfirio showed his proofs, but in that moment another thing was happened, a man entered to the office, he was with an officer who had his shoulder, after that the man knelt down and apologized, he was Nicolás, the painter who was working in the building where occurred the murder, he is Nicolás, after that Porfirio asked him how he had happened, he said that he had murder to Alena Ivanovna with an ax, after that Raskolnikof left the office and went to his home, there was thinking about the situation, so the door of his room opened, the man who saw yesterday was there, he apologized with Raskolnikof, he was a persona that Raskolnikof had said that take him to the police station days ago, and the man told him that he was in the police station before he was there, and he told Porfirio that he had stayed in the building asking by the blood, then Raskolnikof was sure that Porfirio did not have any proof against him.

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Crime and Punishment by Fedor Dostoiewski (third part)


Raskolnikov in that night, he got a little sick, after that he said that it wanted to be alone, his friend Rasumikhine went with his mother and sister to his home because they stayed in a dangerous place, when they arrived there, Rasumikhine said them that he is going to return where it was Raskolnikof to see how is he, after that he came to tell them that he is well, Rasumikhine went to see a doctor in his party, Zosimof was there, they went where it was Raskolnikof, the doctor checked him. Rasumikhine convinced Zosimof to go to visit to the Raskolnikof's family, they went to see them, Zosimof told them what is happening with him, the doctor said that the disease was caused by the environment around him, but soon he will be well, after that they returned to Raskolnikof's house, they stayed there and took care of Raskolnikof whole night.


Rasumikhine and Zosimof were taking care Raskolnikof, they do not have problems, even in the morning he was sleeping, Zosimof went to visit other patients, and he will come back near the midday, while Rasumikhine went to visit Raskolnikof's family, they were waiting for him, they had a breakfast and spoke about Rasolnikof, he said that they met one year and half ago, he seemed to have two personalities, one time he was a nice person, but other time he was strange person, he was disturbed since he was in the office police, and started his disease, they were talking about one hour, after that Pulqueria Alejandrova told him about a letter that they received in the morning, it was from Lujini, he said that he did not know nothing about Rakolnikof, and they must choose between them, Rasumikhine said the decision they take, it will be correct, after that they went to see Raskolnikof.


When they arrived at Raskolnikof's house, his mother was afraid, because she thought that could happen the same thing happened the day before, but they entered to the apartment, Zosimof was there, he had come a few minutes before, and he had examined Raskolnikof, the doctor said he is better, then they began to talk to him, they were talking for several minutes, after that Raskolnikof said again that he is not agree with her decision to married with Lujine, Avdotia respondió that she took a decision for herself, it was not for reasons that Raskolnikof was thinking, but she gave the letter to Raskolnikof, after that he said that he did whatever she wnats, the she invited him to stay with them that night, she also invited Rasumikhine.


They are gathered in the room, then a strange girl entered there, no one knows her, after a while Raskolnikov remembered her, she is a daughter of Marmeladof, the man who was hit by a car last night, she was there because her mother sent her to invite to Raskolnikof for a meeting in the next day, that is why the funeral of his father, she said, it is posible thanks to your help, after that her mother and sister left the room and went to their home, Raskolnikof asked Rasumikhine about the crime and Porfirio who is solving the case, because he wanted to recover a ring and a watch that he had pawned with her, after that they went to see to Porfirio, his office was near and they started to walk there.


The two youth entered to the office and they started to talk with Porfirio Petrovich, he is the judge of instruction and he was working in the Alena Ivanovna's case, Raskolnikod said that he was there because he wanted to recover two things that he had  pawned with her, Porfirio was not surprised with him, because he was waiting, it is because he was the last person that went by his things, Porfirio said that he had to go to the police station, after that they were talking about an article on a newspaper that Raskolnikof had published few months ago. It was about of two type of people, they were ordinary and extraordinary people, ordinary people, they respect the laws and the other, extraordinary people were who had ideas, thoughts that they wanted to do, for that, they would do things that were necessary, even take the life of another human being, Porfirio asked him about the place and many things that he could see there, after that they went out.


Rasumikhine and Raskolnikos went to see Pulqueria Alejandrovna, while they were walking, they were talking about Porfirio and questions that he asked Raskolnikof, they were upset with that, Raskolnikof said that he was suspected a few time ago, when the arrived to the house, Raskolnikof said that he had an affair to solve, and he went alone, Rasumikhine stayed there, Raskolnikof went to his house, he was very nervous, he went to check the place where he hidden the things that he took from the old pawnbroker, there was nothing, after that he stayed in the bed. He heard to his friend and he closed his eyes, his friend saw him and left the room, Raskolnikof was in that position for a half hour, he seemed to have a dream about the facts occurred in that night that he killed her, after a few minutes he woke up and saw a man, he have never seen him.

Crime and Punishment by Fedor Dostoiewski (Second Part)


The young Raskolnikov was sleeping when he can hear screams from the street, they are people who were getting out from the taverns, in that moment he was thinking about that he did last night, after that he was checking his clothes, he noticed that the fringes of his pants were drops of blood, also in his pocket had drops of blood, he cut them and tried to get rid of them, he went to sleep again, in the morning Anastasia knocked the door and gave to Raskolnikof a summons from the police. She said that he should not go to the police station if he is sick, but he wanted to go, the police station was near to his house, when he was there, he spoke with the secretary then he  present his summon and the secretary said it was by a debt that he had with Zarnitzine since nine months ago, Raskolnikof kept calm because it was different from what he had imagined. He did a declaration to repaid the money, don't leave the city and don't sell anything, after that he left the police station.


The young Raskolnikov was thinking in the jewels that he had took at the last night, he thought that the police suspected of him, he went to his home and took the jewels, he put them in his pockets and went far away. He thought that the best way to get rid of the jewelry was throwing them to the sea. After that he thought that is better to bury them in the forest, when he was waking to the forest he saw an abandoned place, in that moment he decided to let the jewels under a rock in that place. After that he continued walking until he arrived at home's friend, he entered there and took with his friend, he was working in a translation, he wanted to give a part of that to Raskolnikof, but he refused and let that place. He walked for several hours until arrived his home, he was to sleep and woke up by scream of his lessee, after a while Anastasia entered to his room with food, he asked her about the screams, she said nothing happened, no one was screaming.


The young Raskolnikof recovered the awareness, in his room were his friend Razumikhin and the maid, anastasia, they told him that a friend of Razumikhin is a doctor, and he have checked him, he was sick because he had eaten well the last days, but he will be well soon, also, a strange man was looking, the man was a businessman, his mother had sent money with him, he wanted to deliver the money to Raskolnikof, but el young man did not want that money, his friends convinced him to take the money, after that he thought that he continued to have hallucinations, so he wanted to go to other place where no one could find him. He drank a beer and he was dizzy. He was to sleep, when he woke up, his friend was waiting with a package, it was clothes for him, they helped him to change clothes, in that Zosimof arrived there.


Zosimof was a doctor, he was visiting to Raskolnikof to see his progress, Rasumikhine said that he was recovered the awareness, the doctor said it is good, he is better, but he must eat only some things ad soon he will be well, after that they was talking, Zosimof invited Rasumikhine a party, it was because he was changing his house where he lived, he said is a small party, only close friends will go, Rasumikhine was not sure to go, after that they started to talk about the crime of the old pawnbroker, they was furious with police, because they considered that they did not do the best to resolve the case, the main suspect was a painter who was working in the building in that day. In the night that occurred the murder he was working with a friend, but they left that place because they were playing, the painter came back there to organize his tools and found the earrings behind the door. Police continued searching, in that a man arrived to the Raskolnokof's room, no one knew him.


The strange man was stood at the door for a while without saying anything, Rasumikhine asked him who are you, then he said my name is Piotr Petrovich and I am looking for Raskolnikof, Zosimof said, he is lying in the bed, he is sick for several days, today he recovered the consciousness, Piotr Petrovich said that he is engaged with his sister, Raskolnikof was angry because he considered that he is not adequate for her. All of them were talking about economy and politics, Piotr Petrovich was uncomfortable because Rascolnikof was not friendly with him, he told them that his mother and sister will come in the coming days after that Piotr Petrovich decide to leave that place, they continued to talk about the crime, in that moment Raskolnikof said that he wanted to be alone, all of them went out to the room.


anastasia helped Raskolnikof to put the new clothes that his friend Rasumikhine had bought, after that he left his room and went out, he was walking and thinking in the crime, he wanted to finish with that, then he was near a cafe, he entered there and ordered a tea and the newspaper and old newspaper to read about the crime, then the secretary of the police station approached him, they were talking of many things, the secretary asked him what about he was reading, Raskolnikof said I was reading about the crime of the old pawnbroker, Raskolnikof thought he was suspected, after that Raskolnikof left that place and started to walk, he came to a bridge, in that place a girl jumped to the river, a police rescued her, he started to walk again, he was in the building where occurred the crime, he was to the room, and saw that everything was different, he said to the doorman that he wanted to rent that room, they were surprised and they did not pay attention to him.


Raskolnikov started to walk by different streets, in that he saw many people, he went to see what is happening, it was an accident, a person was run over, the driver said that he was innocent because he was driving slowly and suddenly he was on street and the horses passed over him, the policeman was asking if they knew who is him, Raskolnikof knew him, he is the man who met weeks ago in a tavern. Raskolnikof decided to take him to his home, when they came there, Raskolnikof was looking for a doctor, the doctor said he is bad, he only has about five minutes of life, a priest arrieved there and spoke with him after that he died, Raskolnikof was affected by facts then he gave all of his money to Catalina Ivanovna, and left tht place. He went to see to his friend Rasumikhine, after that they went to Raskolnikof's house, there were waiting his mother and sister.

lunes, 18 de julio de 2016

Crime and Punishment by Fedor Dostoiewski (First Part)


A hot afternoon in early July, a young man left the place where he lived, it was a small room at the top of a building, he came out with great care because he did not want to see the landlady, since he owed a lot of money income of the room. Upon leaving the building, he went to a place where he had business to do, he knew exactly the distance since a month ago, he had counted the steps to get there, it was a business that he had planned to make that day. He walked down the central square of Petersburg, he wore an aging clothes, but it did not attract attention, suddenly he became tall building and  climbed to the fourth floor, there he knocked on the door of a small room, an old woman lived there, she was Alena Ivanovna, she was a usurious, the young man entered the room and looked around then he tells her that he wanted to pawn a watch, she did not want to do it because he owes a lot of money, but then accepts a lower amount. The young Raskolnikof remains motionless for a few moments without knowing what to do or say, then leaves the room and goes to tavern to quench their thirst.


The young Raskolnikof continued drinking at the tavern, when suddenly a man who had appearance of a civil servant, he was looking at him, after a while he started a conversation with Raskolnikof, and he says his name, it was Marmeladof, he mentions that he worked as a civil servant, but he was dismissed from his job, because he had a vice of alcoholism, then he approaches the table of the young man and begins to tell the sad story of his life, he mentions that he met his wife on a trip, and she had been widowed, she was a very beautiful woman and she had three children, also, he had been married and had a daughter. Marmeladof had pity on her, as he had found her in misery, he decided to rescue her and marry her, at first everything was fine, then he started drinking daily and lost his job, children had nothing to eat, Sonia daughter Marmeladof, helped his family, she gave money to Katerina Ivanovna, the wife of Marmeladof, she lived elsewhere, then Marmeladof got a job and appeared to kick the habit, but it was only an appearance since then he took  money of his wife and spent it on liquor for five days, after that he returned home, the young Raskolnikof helped him, arriving there he pitied and left a ruble was near the window and hurried away.


Raskolnikof was in his room, the cook said to him that the owner of the house was going to report to the police for not paying the pension of the room also she gave him a letter, after the girl left, he opened it, the letter was two handwritten sheets, he recognized the handwriting, it was from his mother, it was a long time she had not written to him. In the letter she mentioned why she had not written to him in months. One reason was that they had no money to send him. His sister had applied for a loan to send him long ago, and she had to work to pay for it, his sister is Dunia, in the house where she works suffered from abuse by her employer because he was in love with her, but he did not want to show it, but one day not contain their feelings and approached her from improper way, but his wife found them, Dunia was fired by his wife, and she began to tell calamities of Dunia. The husband then showed a letter that Dunia had sent him, then the wife regrets everything she had said and apologized to the family of Dunia, in that a relative of the wife knows Dunia, and he proposes marriage, Dunia accepts, and soon they will go to Petersburg, then they will find after several years.


The young man after finishing reading the letter, he began to meditate on its contents, he thought that she was doing, since she could not marry someone just for money, he thought that she was sacrificing for him, so that he could return to study at the university, he was angry because they had not been consulted before the decision and wanted to stop it in any way. After that he went for a walk on the street, where a girl caught his attention because it seemed to bring clothes torn, on the boulevard where it was a bench, the girl sat up suddenly there, Raskolnikof as he approached the girl could see that it was under the influence of alcohol, and she appeared to be unconscious, a man was watching the young man did not leave because he thought the girl was in danger, he asked for help to a policeman, the girl reacted and left . The young man thought he was going to the house of a former college roommate, as they had many things in common both had left the university for lack of resources. They had not seen in a long time.


On the way to see his friend, he thought that he had no reason to go to see him, what could make Razumihin for him, perhaps lend some money or get him some classes. Raskolnikof carefully thought and decided to no go to see him, but another day he will go, and began to return home, he felt hungry and bought a piece of cake and a glass of vodka was taken, as he was not used this gave him shudder in his body, He slept over some trees, in this, he had an unpleasant dream of his childhood, where many drunks killed a horse, he awoke troubled and was still weak, and thought if he could realize his project. On returning home near the market he looked at the sister of the pawnbroker, she was Elisabeth Ivanovna, she was talking with some merchants of the place, she made an appointment for the next day at 7 pm, at first she did not accept but after a little unsure she accepted, Raskolnikof knew that this was the opportunity that he was waiting for his project from that moment he could not stop thinking about that, but really be able to do.


A month ago a friend mentioned to Raskolnikof the old pawnbroker, at that moment the young man needed money, he went to pawn the ring that his sister had given him before he left. After that he went to a tavern, there he heard talking to a student and an officer, the strange thing was that they were talking about the old pawnbroker, they mentioned that she was rich and evil, even mentioned that they wanted to kill and seize the money and with that act they would make a good action to the city, and many people do not lose their property. The young man returned home, he lay down to sleep, the next day lying stayed all day, the third day just got up and took a couch and sewed a kind of cord to hold something. Then I thought about taking an ax from the kitchen when the maid is not it, to start the journey to complete your project to get the kitchen maid was there, he had not left. Raskolnikof went out and happened to the concierge room was open, but he was not, he took the ax and went to the house of the usurious.


The young Raskolnikof arrived to the woman's house, then he rang the bell, the woman opened the door and he entered to the room, he told her he wanted to pawn something, she was opening a package when he took the ax and hit her in her head, after that she fell to the floor, she had died. Then he took her keys and went to her room, he looked for something valuable and found it, in that momento he heard something, it was her sister Lisbeth, Raskolnikof killed her too, after that two men arrived there, they rang the bell but no one opened the door, they went to look for someone to open the door, in that he went out to other room and hid there, finally he went out to the building and started to walk with a crowed street, and he got home, he put the ax where he took it and he went to his room and stayed there for a long time.

jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde


Lord Henry Wotton was sitting in a sofa, he was seeing a picture of a person who was very handsome, the picture was painted by Lord Basil Hallward, they were great friends, they had met in the Oxford University. Henry said to Basil that he must to send the picture to an art gallery, because it was a wonderful picture. Basil said that I did not want to present the picture in nowhere, since, he had put in the picture a part of him. Harry thought that was imposible because the picture is different than Lord Basil Hallward. Then Basil said is not the appearance, is the essence and I put it a part of mi soul. I did not want anybody knows me. Henry asked him, who is him? and Basil said, he is Dorian Gray, he is a persona that I met in a Lady Brandon's party. We became friends, he come everyday from since. I started to paint a picture about him. Basil felt inspired when Dorian stayed with him so Basil created excellent works of art.


Basil had sent a visit, he was Dorian Gray that he was waiting for him in the studio. Henry want to know him, but Basil did not want then both were to the studio. Lord Henry met Dorian Gray.  Since first moment they become friends. Harry said he should go because he had a appointment with another person, but Dorian Gray said that he must stay because Basil was bored and he never said anything when he was painting. Harry decided to stay there. After a while Dorian was tired and he and Henry decided to go out to take fresh air. Basil continued working. After a several minutes Basil asked them that they get into the studio to finish the picture. Henry said to Dorian, the most precious thing that people have is youth, he did not understand in that moment, but he understood when the picture was finished. He thought when time is passing he gave something to the picture, he become older and the picture will always be the same. Lord Henry would want the picture, but Basil said, that is of Dorian, after that Dorian and Henry decided to go to theater that night. Basil stayed with the paint.


Lord Henry was to visit to his uncle Lord Fermor, Harry wanted to know about Dorian Gray, he thought that his uncle knew so he went to ask him. Lord Fermor knew Dorian's family, he said that his mother was beautiful, but his parents had a trouble, his mother had died when he was a child. His parents had many money and his grandfather had inherited him properties. After that Lord Henry went to dinner with his aunt, it was important for him because Dorian Gray was invited. Harry could not image how Dorian could influence in Basil, because he painted wonderful when Dorian is near from him. When Lord Henry arrived to the dinner, many people were sitting there, they had a long conversation, many of them were surprised by the form to talk of Lord Henry, so he received a invitación to have a dinner of a couple of individuals. After that Lord Henry decide to go to the park, Dorian wants to go with him.


One month after Dorian went to visit to Lord Henry, but he did not stay in his house, Dorian was waiting in the studio for a long time, then a person came there, Dorian thought that was Harry, but It was his wife Victoria, they were talking for a while. Harry arrived and started to talk with Dorian. He said to Lord Henry that he was fell in love. Harry asked him, how did it happen?, Dorian said, an afternoon I went to walk and found a old theatre, in the front was a persona that is selling tickets for the theater show. He bought one, the theater show was Romeo and Julieta, actors were not good but a girl that was performing to Julieta was really good actress, her voice captivated to Dorian, since that day he go everyday to the theater to see her. Harry said, now I know why you did not visit me. Lord Henry wanted to know to Sybil, then they decided to go to the theater next day with Basil.


Sibyl stayed in her house with her mother, she was very happy, her mother said that the relationship between she and blue prince is not adequate, because she doesn't know his name, further she just think in her career as actress. Sibyl has a brother, he is James Vane, he is younger than Sibyl. He was going to Australia finding to improve his life and his family. When he knew about a guy tthat visit Sibyl in the theater, he was jelous and said to his mother that she should take care with Sibyl. James and Sibyl went to the park, there she saw to blue prince, James wanted to see him buy another car hidden the antoher and he did not see to blue prince, then he said, if he hurt you, I will search and kill him. After that they came back to house. Sibyl was to rest and James was talking with his mother. He asked her with his father, she said that they were not married because he had another family, then James took his luggage and carried to the car.


Basil and Henry went to a restaurant to have a dinner, Henry asked Basil about news, Basil said I know nothing, then Henry said Dorian is engaged with a girl, she is an actress in a theater that is not very popular. Dorian is going to see her everyday. Basil was surprised. After a while Dorian arrived there, Basil reproached him because dorian did not tell him about his engaged, also Henry reproached him because he was late. After that Dorian told them how it all happened. It was yesterday when I went to the theater, I saw her, she was wonderful in her rol, I was taken to that place, after the end of the function I went to see her, we were close and we kissed. It is a secret neither her mother knows.


After the dinner they went to the theater, when they arrived there, they saw that the theater was full. The function started with a orchestra, after that the representation of Romeo & Julieta begun, Sibyl seemed to be well, your performance was terrible, your word were empty, Lord Henry and Sadil said, it can be nervous, they were waiting for the second scene, her performace was the same, in that moment people started to abandon the theater, Harry and Basil left the theater, Dorian decided to stay there, after finish the show Dorian went to see her, Dorian was hurt by her bad perfomance, she said, it was because I know now that is the true love, before the actuation was all for me, but now it is you. Dorian said that Sibyl had killed his love by her. He left theater and went to his home, in there he saw his picture, it was different, it had a bad expression in his face, Dorian did not believe that.

domingo, 10 de abril de 2016

Cumandá by Juan León Mera

CHAPTER 1: Eastern jungle

The majestic Tungurahua raises its summit on the foothills of the Andes, is located near a small town called Baños de Agua Santa where are some rivers to start the Pastaza, its way into large rocks and chasms that villagers improvised bridges for crossing, that were made of bamboo, after a while they bridge disappear into the river. People must have some abilities to cross it. Continuing the journey to the Amazon: It looks at an endless desert green,  which only the horizon can be seen when crossing the blue sky. The Pastaza delivers his tribute to the Napo River, which along with other rivers increase their flow, making seaworthy Napo River. the river was sailed long time ago by D. Pedro Vicente Maldonado and Sotomayor. The river began to have calm waters where it began to form small islands in its foothills. The enviable nature that was inspiring for any poet.

CHAPTER 2: The Tribes záparas and jívaras

In the amazon region live many tribes, many of them are dangerous. In the time of colony, they sent people there like priests. They wanted to civilize that people, but they did not believe in anything and when they felt threatened, they fought by their beliefs and territory. The Záparos and Jívaros killed many people when they arrived there. The tribes fought between them. One of them did not want to go to the war. They preferred to leave that land and seek other. They went by a river until to arrive to another river called Palora. They stayed there, normally they called their tribes accordance to the place where they lived so they called the Paloras his chief was the curaca Yamarhuaqui. The tribes that live there know of the arrival the Paloras. They sent to Paloras many presents and they offered their friendship. One of them was the son of the chief Tongana of the Záparos. They made a deal.

CHAPTER 3: The Tongana's family

The tribes of the Zaparos lived in the angle formed by the river Pastaza and Palora. The tribe was small. the chief was Tongana, his wife was Pona. They had two sons, they were married and they had two children. Finally the last son was Cumandá, she was a beautiful girl, she was a little different than her family. Pona was considered like a witcher, she always had a poison in her leather bag. When Cumandá was a child, she swan the Palora river then her father called her Cumandá. She was raised in the same conditions than her brothers, they did the same things and they made competitions, many times she won them. The old chief Tongana hated the foreign people that came there. They were jealous of their territory. One day they heard that one foreign guy has arrived there. Cumandá liked to go the jungle and explored new places. she was always happy and she had a beautiful smile. One day she was taciturn, anybody knew what is happening with her. She fell in love.

CHAPTER 4: Next to the palm trees

Among the Parlor and Upiayacu rivers, near that place had two palms, they were together, in the palms had lianas, they had flowers of different colors, one of the had a strange symbols. In the morning she woke up early and she went to that place, when she was there and saw the symbols. She was thinking about it and started to feel strange. She stayed for a long time. Suddenly in the distance she could see a guy, he was coming there, she was happy. He was a foreign guy that came there time ago. He is Carlos de Orozco. She claim him because she considered that was late. They were talking about long time. She said him that she had to a ceremony with her family, and she went to a like called Chimano. it will be soon. The party of the canoes was celebrated in honor od the deal between the Paloras and Záparos. Cumandá had to bring the flower to Yamarhuaqui and say a speech. After that they thought get married, but they had a problema, her father hated the European people.

CHAPTER 5: Andoas

It is place that is located near the mouth of Bobonaza river, the tribe was a hundred meter from there. They were fifty families, each of them had its own house. Around the house they are crops such as vegetables, bananas and oranges. People who was engaged in fishing had their houses more near the river. When the river grew its waves touched their houses. That tribe was different from other because they had accepted a missionary to live there. He was a priest. He had evangelized to that people. He learned too how to work the soil to produce food. The house of the missionary was the most big in the tribe. It had two floors. The church was big, in there people gathered for the mass. They had a bell, it always is with them, the bell sounded in the morning in the afternoon, it also sounded when people died. They were living happy.

CHATPER 6: Years ago

The Fray Domingo one day he was in his house and he was sad, because he remembered his family, he was married with Carmen, they had five children. their first born was Carlos, and the last child was a beautiful girl, they called her Julia. Carlos had entered t to school in Riobamba, it was a boarding school. One day Mr. Domingo decided to visit his son in Riobamba. His family stayed in the farm. While he was in Riobamba, there was a rebellion. The indigenous uprising because they were mistreated by their masters. They felt much hatred so they decided to revenge of their master. The indigenous burned the houses with the families of their master inside. When Mr. Domingo knew it, he returned quickly but it was late. The house was burned, his entire family had died. After that he decided to become in a friar. Carlos finished his studies and the priest Domingo was sent to the Andoas. There he won the darling of the people rapidly. He was named as the chief of Christians.


Carlos was a twenty-five years old, he had become in a great poet. He seemed to have the characteristics of famous poets. He preferred to be alone. He was to send to evangelize native people in the amazon region. He was lived with his father in the tribe of the záparos. Carlos liked to walk alone in the middle of the jungle. From he arrived there he had demonstrated skills to use the canoe. Many times he took a canoe and went by the Pastaza river, he crossed by other rivers such as Bobonaza or Palora. One day he was navigating by the Palora river and he arrived to the place called two palms. He stayed there for a long time and it was late to came back to home. He preferred to stay there until next day. In the breaking down he listened a voice that was singing. She was Cumandá but suddenly she had disappeared. since that day he often went there. They became friends.

CHAPTER 8. Pastaza down

Carlos had asked to permission to his father P. Domingo to go to the feast of the canoes in the Chimano lake, but the P. Domingo did not want he was going there because he considered that is danger. The jívaros hated white people. Carlos was persuasive and P. Domingo gave him a permission to go there but he did not go alone, he went with other indigenous. The day had arrived, Carlos was preparing his canoe with de other indigenous. While the day was passing, many canoes were coming to the harbor of Andoas from the other tribes. There were many canoes and the majority of theme are the same, only the canoe of the chief Yamarhuaqui was different, it was the most bigger and striking. Carlos looked for to Cumandá but he did not found. They started down by the Pastaza River, que the sun was disappeared they tied their canoes to the trees. In the early morning Cumandá came to Carlos and they were talking, She said him that she was hiding by order of her father and the palms where they met, it had been destroyed, she was very worried and she had fear by her father because he hated the white people.

CHAPTER 9: In the Chimano lake

In the next day the journey continued to the Chimano lake, they were navigating the whole day. At dusk they arrived to the mouth of the river with the Shimano like. It is navigable only when de river is high but in that moment the river is low. Even the most little canoes could not go by there. They went by foot. In the dawn of the next day, they were in the Chimano lake. The tribes put their canoes in the lakeside. They needed to prepare the details of the celebration because that should start at noon. People put in the middle of the lake a raft with a throne. It was impressive. It was for the great curaca Yahuarmaqui, the chief of the Paloras. The celebration started with the warriors, they had to present gifs and said why the best warriors. After that is the turn of the virgins. One by one they presented their gifs, finally it was the turn of the virgen of the flowers, she appeared in her canoe and she went to the front of Yahuarmaqui and gave the gifts of her tribe. Carlos was there then he was beaten by an indigenous. Carlos fell into the lake. Cumandá jumped to rescue to Carlos. Her father was upset because he wanted to kill him. The curaca Yahuarmaqui said that is not a moment to bloodshed and the celebration should be continued.

CHAPTER 10: Night party

The night is very important for them so they received it with music and singing, the princess of the celebration were singing even Cumandá. Their song was sad like somebody had been hurt. when the moon had risen they lit torches that were tied to the canoes. That were navigating by the lake, it was creating many figures in the surface of the water. After that people made a woodpile to create a wood fire. They cooked and ate. In the fire they put gifts for the good genius of the river. women put their many species that has a nice smell. All of them were drinking liquor of yuca. After a few hours they were loaded. The old head snow wanted to kill to the foreign so he sent one of his sons to kill Carlos. He put a poison in the liquor that he gave him, after that Cumandá came there, she save life of her lover. Many people heard that so all of them went to their houses.

CHAPTER 11: Fatal discretion

The old Tongana was upset, because he had failed to kill to Carlos. The celebration continued, they were cooking and eating. After that they started to drink liquor of yuca. The old Tongana was in his hut with his family. When he was loaded, he started to reproach to Cumandá, he said that relation is not posible. He preferred to see her die before she was with him. He took her where the boss of the bosses. He told him about the situación between her daughter and the foreign. The curaca Yamarhuaqui took a decision. He did not to kill them so the old Tongana offered to Cumandá. She did not want to married with him. She told the curaca that she would rather die than live without him. then her father said the curaca that he could give to his daughter to be his wife. He was agree. Yahuarmaqui exile to Carlos and Cumandá stayed with her fathers until they will marry.

CHAPTER 12: Leakage

The old Tongana was in his hut with his family. He was thinking how kill to Carlos, he said to one of his sons how he can kill him. They were waiting for a long time while the other people were to sleep. Carlos was walking by the jungle. The son of the old Tongan way to look for him. Cumandá had heard all of things that they wanted to do. She went quickly to seek him. she found him first and told him everything that he knew. They put a ghost instead of him. The son of Tongana shot to the ghost. Carlos y Cumandá were hidden in the middle of the jungle. After that they decided to escape from there. They took the way to find the Pastaza river. They were walking for several hours by the jungle, she had instinct to walk in the jungle without lose the path. Finally they arrived to the mouth of the river. They liberated all the canoes and took one. They decided to go down by the river.

CHAPTER 13: Unexpected Fight

Near dawn a záparo was to seek to Carlos, but he could not find him. Then he put his ear on the ground. He was hearing by many minutes. In that he can hear a lot of steps. Many people were walking there. He run immediately to talk with the old curaca. The war is coming . The old curaca prepared everything for the battle, the warriors were ready. many of them were still drunk. the battle had started, the invaders were the zamoras and logroños, their chief was Mayariaga. the battle was terrible many people were killed. In the middle of the Batlle Mayariaga and the old curaca were fighting, Mayariaga hurt to Yahuarmqui. The fight continued for a few minutes then Yahuarmaqui defeated Mayariaga, he cut his head. He wanted to put the head with a award by his victory.

CHAPTER 14: The exchange

After that the battle finished, that place was desolated, because many people were killed between warriors and villagers. Cumandá's brothers were killed, her father was hurt. Pona thought that Cumandá was died, because they found many bodies burned. Last day there people were celebrating, but next day that was a terrible moment to the tribe. After a while a messenger of the Zamoras arrived there to talk with the curaca. He came there in peace. He said to the curaca that he wanted to take the body of his chief to bury him according to their customs. Yahuarmqui accepted to give the body, but he did not give the head because he wanted to dissect the head. The messenger propose an interchange, Yahuarmqui must give the head of his chief. then the messenger will give two prisoners. they were Cumandá and the foreign. Yahuarmqui accepted. One Záparo claimed as a war trophy to Carlos. Cumandá stayed with Yahuarmaqui.

CHAPTER 15: Lakeshore Palora

Before returning the chief Yahuarmaqui ordered that people killed were buried according of the customs of each tribe. After that they returned to their tribes in the Palora river. When they were passing through Andoas, Carlos was waiting to see Cumandá, he was looking for a few hours, but he could see her again. He was very sad. When the Paloras arrived to their tribe. They started to prepare the wedding between Yahuarmaqui and Cumandá. She did not agree with that but she could not escape. The last day when moon disappeared they were married. The time came, they were ready, he put the belt of the green snake and gave many gifts. They were eating and drinking a lot. After that they were to bed. Yahuarmaqui was tired, he seemed sick, he was dying. Cumandá was scared because she thought that she was buried with him then she decided to escape. Her mother helped Cumandá. Pona gave instructions to Cumanda and she escaped behind the house.

CHAPTER 16: Alone and fugitive in the jungle

Cumandá started the journey, she was walking for whole night. In the first hour of the morning, she was tired. she rested for a few minutes, she was thinking in his lover Carlos. that gave her more force to continue. It was near at noon. She was starving and thirsting, after that she found water, she drank it and eat grapes. She was very tires but she wanted to arrive to Andoas so she continued the journey. She walked for whole night. On next next day the cloud was cloudy. it heard thunder very close. She was scared because she was alone in the middle of the jungle. She stayed in an old trunk. After she continued walking, she arrived to her house where she lived with her parents. That place was abandoned, there only stayed the dog but after a while the dog died. She heard sounds so she left that place. She arrived to the place where were two palms. She started to cry, she saw a canoe and took it, she started down by the river but she could not control it because the river was swollen.

CHAPTER 17: Anguish and heroism

In the morning one záparo was coming to Andoas, to the arrival he told to P. Domingo that they had found a girl on the river, but they needed to help to rescue her. P. domingo sent many of the to rescue the girl. She was beautiful, they thought that she was died, but when the P. Domingo examined her, he said that she was alive. when she awoke, the P. Domingo asked her where did she get the canoe?, she said in the river near the palms where they used to be together. After that one jívaro came there, he said we had to Carlos, we will do a exchange, the jívaros wanted to Cumandá and the Andoas wanted to Carlos, but P. Domingo did not want to sacrifice to Cumandá because she was special for him, she resembled his wife Carmen. so he went to pray then one záparo took her and they went to the jívaros, and they started to return to their tribe.

CHAPTER 18: Last interview on earth

Cumandá and the messenger went to the camp, where they were waiting for her. the great cucara Yahuarmaqui had dead, they had a tradition, when the chief died he should be buried with his wife. She must be the most beloved. Cumandá was elected as the most beloved. She should die and go with her husband, as queen chosen to die, she could ask a desire. The curaca Sinchirigra accepted the wish of her. She wanted to see to Carlos. Sinchirigra was angry because he did not want that, but he gave his word and he fulfilled the desire to Cumandá. Carlos was tied in a trunk, they spoke for a while, she gave him a present and she put it in his neck. After that she was to her fathers, they were also tied. Finally the jívaros took to Cumandá and returned to their tribe.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Hundred Years of Loneliness by Gabriel García Márquez


Macondo is a small village, it was located in a place unknown, there are no more of three hundred people, it was built by José Arcadio Buendía and others. José Arcadio Buendía was married with Úrsula and he has two sons José Arcadio and Aureliano. The village was near a river. One day strange people came there, they are Gypsies and they brought some things that were unknown for them. José Arcadio was amazed with that. He bought two bar magnets to find gold. On another occasion he bought a magnifying glass to use in war, and finally he bought a equipment of alchemist. All of them failed. People of the village are thinking that José Arcadio Buendía was crazy. José Arcadio Buendía wants to leave that place because he wants to know the inventions of the world but his wife doesn't want. He organized an expedition to find others ways to communicate with other villages but he failed a come back Macondo. After a few times the Gypsies return there but José Arcadio Buendía don't know anybody. Melquiades had died and he went to see the new things a he saw a box with ice. he was amazed with that.


Ancestors from them used to live in Riohacha. They are living there. José Arcadio Buendía y Úrsula were cousins therefore the Úrsula's family doesn't agree with that relationship, because they think that Úrsula's children will be misshapen. Despite of it they married. One day José Arcadio Buendía had a trouble with Prudencio Aguilar who died. So much José Arcadio and Úrsula often saw to Prudencio Aguilar after he died. So they decide to live that place. Many friends of them went with them. They took some things for the journey. They travelled for many months until to arrive a river. He had a dream that night. Next day he persuaded the rest of people to stay there. The built houses with trees and they called it Macondo. Úrsala was pregnant with her third child. the son was a girl and they called her Amaranta.time after, the gypsies come back again, José Aureliano Buendía met a girl there therefore he went with them when his mother knew about it. she went to look them but she missed in the jungle and return to Macondo after six month approximately. she did not find them but she found the path that her husband had not found years ago.


After a while Teresa Ternera went to live with the family Buendía, they were the grandparents of her son, they called him Arcadio. A fe years later they received a strange visitant. She said that she was their cousin and her parents had died. She was Rebeca. She almost had the same age of Amaranta and Arcadio. One day Rebeca had symptoms of rare illness. People who had that illness could not sleep and they forgot everything then they started to write names and descriptions of the things. The village was in a trouble because other people no longer came to town. One day a old man arrived there. He gave the medicine to treat that illness. After many years the children become adults. Úrsula did not want that her family was divided so she planned to extend the house. After that the town had a visitant, he was Mr. Apolinar Moscote who was named as Mayor of Macondo, the citizens did not agree with that decision. He came there with his family. José Arcadio Buendía went to talk with him and they put a conditions to stay there. Aureliano was impressed with the youngest daughter. She was Remedios.


When the house was finished, Úrsula decorated her house with many fashionable things. One thing was a pianola. Pietro Crespi installed it. He had worked for two weeks until it was working. Amaranta and Rebeca always were looking at him. When he finished, he left the village. Rebeca started to write letter to Petro and he responde her. One day el mail did not arrive there. she was sad and started to eat soil again. Úrsula opened Rebeca's box and she read the letters. Amaranta was feeling terrible because she also was fell in love Pietro too. Úrsula said that Rebeca and Pietro should marry, the amaranta did agree with that. After some days Úrsula decided to travel with Amaranta for her to forget Pietro. Aureliano still obsessed with Remedios. He decide to go to ash the hand of Remedios in married. He talk with Mr. Moscote and he said the name of the girl that he want to married. they were disconcerted because she was still a child. they accepted but he should wait to the married. for that facts José Arcadio Buendía started to see some things of his past. He had seen to Prudencio Aguilar and Melquiades but they were dead. José Arcadio talked some things that nobody could understand so his family put him tied to a tree in the backyard.


Finally Aureliano and Remedios married. Remedios always kept serenity while Aureliano was nervous. Father nicanor came there to celebrate the matrimony. After that Father Nicanor looked at that people did not believe in god because he decided to stay there and build a church. One day Amaranta was felt unwell. it was for a coffee she drank after she died. The family cancelled the wedding of Rebeca with Pietro. Amaranta was felt guilty with that and she adopted her son Aureliano José. After a while José arcadio Buendía came back of his journey, he had some tattoos all over the body. Rebeca was impressed with him, suddenly they decided married. Úrsula did not agree but finally she accepted. They were to live in another house. Pietro Crespi was sad but he still went to visited to the Buendía family. One day Pietro wanted to married with Amaranta. Aureliano still visited to Mr. Moscote, in the day of elections Aureliano saw how Mr. Moscote changed the votes of people, after that Aureliano wanted to start the war because he did not agree with Mr. Moscote's politics.


Aureliano become a colonel, he made many battles against the government. He lost all of them and he has seventeen children and they died in one night. While Aureliano was in war. Arcadio was named as Mayor of Macondo. He was a bad authority because he ordered to kill people when they did not obey orders. Úrsula did not want to continue that things so she went to Arcadio and she forced him to leave his charge. Úrsula restored the mass of Sunday. Pietro Crespi was rejected by Amaranta many times, she did not married with him. One day Pietro was found dead, When Amaranta knew the facts, she was sad and injured his hand, she put a band in her hand that she want to lead until dead. Arcadio before left his charge, he created the property office where José Arcadio legalized his properties even the graveyard. Aureliano sent a letter to Arcadio because Macondo will be attacked, He fought until he was captured and sentenced to died. His last words were the name of first girl was Úrsula and name of second son José Arcadio.


Aureliano almost the finish the war, he was escaping by the border. He was captured by the conservators. He was judged and sentenced to died. His last will was he will want to die in Macondo. They took him there. Úrsula sensed that Aureliano came back then she managed the house. When they arrived, Aureliano was taken to the prison. Úrsula was to visited him and she brought food and clean clothes. the squad were ready to run but José Arcadio came to avoid it. The colonel Roque Carnicero and Aureliano make friend and they fought together in the war. They went to save to colonel Gerineldo Marquez, they made the headquarters in Macondo. The conservators were tired with the war, they offer a charge in the congress and finishing the war. While in the Ursula's house José Aureliano Buendía was depressed so they decided to carry him to a room in the house. After a few days he finally died.


A few years later Aureliano José become young person. He has the custom to sleep with Amaranta. At the beginning that was normal because he was a child but he continued growing that was not normal. They saw hidden. One day Amaranta decided to finish that relationship. He was depressed and search to be with another girl. The war was finishing. the forces of rebellion was spread around of the country. The colonel Aureliano came back to Macondo. The colonel José Raquel Moncada become the mayor of Macondo, he was a great friend of Aureliano although they are in different sides. Aureliano put to the colonel Moncada to disposition of the court-martial, he was sentenced to died. His last wish was that his things were delivered to his wife in Manaure.


the colonel Gerineldo Márquez was thinking that the war was absurd because none side had won, then he decided to abandon the war and he wanted to conquer to Amaranta, but he can't. The colonel Aureliano became in a leader of all groups of rebels. In that situations the conservator prepared a document where they wrote many things in favor of rebels. the colonel Aureliano wanted to finish the war, for him the document is correct but the colonel Gerineldo Márquez considered that is a treason. The colonel Aureliano put him to the order of court-martial. He was sentenced to died. In the next day the colonel Aureliano was to see to colonel Gerineldo and they spoke. They went to sing the document. After that the colonel shot himself in the chest but he did not die. That action was considered as an action of a hero, because he was alive.


After a few years Aureliano returned to work in his laboratory. He was made small gold fish for selling in the near villages. The twins of Arcadio José already was adults. When they children, sometimes they changed at the school, other times in their house. One time they did not change again. Úrsula thought they had changed since they were children. They shared all of thing that they had even a girlfriend. When she knew the truth, she forgave Aureliano while José Arcadio never saw her again. Aureliano married with Petra Cotes. She sold raffle tickets. Soon Aureliano had many things in his farm. the villagers thought that were things are illegal. Aureliano believed that because his wife had luck. He carried her to around the farm. He has a los money. José Arcadio Segundo was working in his laboratory with Aureliano after he was entrepreneur and create new business. Macondo organized a carnival, Remedios was the queen, other people came there, in the celebration occurred a trouble, they were many injured people, Aureliano met to Fernando del Carpio after that he went to find her.


Aureliano Segundo was to look for to Fernanda. She lived far away. After he arrived an strange village, he found to Fernanda and he told her family that he wants to married with Fernanda. They accepted. The ceremony was in Macondo. It lasted several days. At the beginning has a trouble with Úrsula because they had different traditions. Aureliano Segundo y Fernanda had two children, the first was named José Arcadio and second was named Renata Remedios. One day he went to seek to Petra Cotes. It was because he needed her for having luck in his farm. After a while many children of Aureliano came there, the colonel thought that some of them could not be his children. They stayed there for several days. All of them returned them houses except for one Aureliano Triste. He stayed to live there and created a factory of ice. In other visit, Aureliano Centeno also stayed to live there. he was helping his brother in the factory of ice. the factory was growing, Aureliano Triste wanted to sell his products in other villages so he was a project for binging the train to Macondo. The citizens of Macondo were thinking that is imposible but he try to that. After many months he appeared in the village with the train.


Macondo was amazed by the train, many people arrived there to visit the town. One of them was Míster Herbert. He was a strange person, he did not have nowhere to stay. He stayed with Aureliano Segundo. He examined carefully a banana after that he went. After a while many people arrived there and build a new town near the train station. It was a place closed by electric fence. They had crops of banana. One day many people arrive to Aureliano Segundo's hotel. some of them could not stay there. Remedios was the only one who cared nothing. A persona was seeing while she was bathing, he fell from the ceil and died. The citizens were thinking that she has a trouble with it, after that he was to visit the farm, there was an accidente, a man died after he touch her. the colonel Aureliano said many thing to the government. In the same night all his children were killed. He felt anger and he wanted to promote the war again. He got a los of money and he went to the colonel Gerineldo Márquez and he told him what him was thinking. the Colonel Aureliano asked to help him to promote the war.


The sons of colonel Aureliano had grown, one of them was José Arcadio, he wanted to be a bishop and he took a seminary, the another son was Remedios, they called her Meme, she wanted to play the clavichord, she took a course. Aureliano Segundo left to Fernanda, because she did not have parties in her house then he went to live with Petra Cotes. There were many parties. One day Aureliano Segundo almost died. When Remedios returned to her home, Remedios and Aureliano were living together, they were pretending all is well. In the next vacations she went with her friends, the house is small for all of them, Fernanda had to borrow beds and hammocks. Remedios resemble his father. The colonel Aureliano always stayed in his workshop making gold fish, he did not sell it. One day he wanted to go to the bathroom, he went to the backyard and put his head in the tree, nobody had seen again until the next when Santa Sofía de la Piedad saw him.


After the funeral of colonel Aureliano, Meme returned to live with her family because she had finished her clases. She played the clavichord for her friends and family. Úrsula realized Meme took her classes only to avoid to her mother. One day Amaranta looked at the death and talked with it. the death said that she should make a shroud for her funeral. She started to knit the shroud. She did not want to died before Rebeca but nobody could know. Meme used to have parties behind her mother. Aureliano Segundo approached her. She took him all of things that she did. Amaranta continued to make the shroud but she did slowly, after a several years she finished the shroud, she said to the village that she will die soon and she could carry letters for their deceased relatives. She prepared her own funeral. Her family ha nine days of mourning. Meme was out with a boy. Mauricio Babilonia, when her mother knew it, she did not agree. Mauricio Babilonia visited her in secret but one day he was murdered.


After a while that Mauricio Babilonia was murdered, Fernanda took to Meme to a trip, Memo did not know where they will go. They got on the train, after they went in a ship, finally they arrived to her native land. Fernanda forced Meme to enter a convent. When Aureliano Segundo knew that Fernanda let her daughter there. He wanted to go to rescue her but Fernanda showed him documents with her authorization then he went with Petra cotes, he started to organize parties. After seven months a nun visited Fernanda, she delivered a baby, she said, this is a son of Meme, it is a man and his name is Aureliano. Fernanda did not want that boy, Fernanda said that boy was found in a basket in the river. Fernanda put the boy in a room for anyone to see him. José Arcadio Segundo was working for a banana company, he formed a labor union, he wanted to fight by their rights, because many of them did not have basic services. The employees wrote a request list to their employers sign it but they did not sign. after that the government sent the army to calm the situation. The employees were gathered in the train station, they wanted to took with their employers. the army killed them, after that the bodies were thrown in the sea. José Arcadio Segundo survived.


Finally Mr. Brown accepted to sign the request list of his employees. In that moment started to rain. He said that he will sign after the end of the storm. The storm lasted for several years. the crops of banana were destroyed by the storm. The company carried some things that did not destroyed to another place. The town that they had built was abandoned. Aureliano Segundo decided to stay in the Ursula's house, because he did not want to return where Petra Cotes. After a while the little boy escaped from his room and Aureliano Segundo looked at him. He was surprised and happy, because Aureliano Segundo recognized that he was a Buendía. After a several years the food was ended, Fernanda said it to Aureliano Segundo. He was angry and he broke many things after that he went to get food. One day he remembered that Úrsula had hidden money. He wanted to get it but he cannot. The storm finished, the village was destroyed, Aureliano Segundo went to Petra Cotes, she was preparing a raffle.


Aureliano Segundo was helping to Petra Cotes with the raffle, with the earnings they bought other animals to continue with their business. Aureliano Segundo made the tickets even he drew an animal that represents what they will raffle. They gave the majority of their earnings. They did because they consider Fernanda with their daughter that they never had. Amaranta Úrsula was enrolled in a private school while Fernanda did not want to Aureliano went to the school. Úrsula was completely blind and she fulfilled her promise to die after finishing the storm. The business of Aureliano Segundo was growing but it was never the same as before. After a while it knew that Rebeca had died in her house alone. After many years Amaranta Úrsula should go to the university and her father consider that the best university was in Bruselas, he will want Amaranta Úrsula will study there. Aureliano Segundo organized a huge raffle to collect money. he will go to raffle his property. After amaranta Úrsula was to the University, he came back to live with Fernanda because he was very ill and he will want to die at side Fernanda. One day the door of room of Melquiades was opened, there were José Arcadio Segundo y Aureliano for a long time. José Arcadio taught Aureliano to read and write, after that José Arcadio Segundo and Aureliano Segundo died at the same time.


After the death of the twins, Santa Sofía de la Piedad managed the house, but it was bigger, she could not do everything wherefore she decided to leave the house. She took her clothes, she did not have money, Aureliano gave her fourteen gold fish. Nevermore anybody heard anything about her. When Fernanda knew that she had left the house, Fernanda looked for her but she did not find. Fernanda tried to do everything in her house but he could not do anything. Aureliano started to do the food. Fernanda all the time was writing letters to her sons. She told them that everything is alright when everything is wrong. Aureliano spoke with Melquiades, he told him that he should be seek a book at the Catalan's store. Fernanda died after a while. Aureliano with his knowledge, he preserved the body. One day José Arcadio returned from Rome, he bought two sets of clothes. After a while José Arcadio began to live with four boys. One day they found the golden coins that Úrsula had hidden. Aureliano thought he should not be living with that boys then he expelled to the boys from his house. Th boys came back again and they killed him. They took the money.


Amaranta Úrsula returned from Bruselas where she had known to Gastón. They were married. Amaranta Úrsula started to rebuild the house because it was destroyed. Gastón did not unpack his belongings because he thought they would soon return to Bruselas. Amaranta Úrsula spoke with Aureliano and she said that him could go out when he wanted and she gave him a mount of money every week. Aureliano just wanted to buy book of the catalán sage. He knew many languages even Latín. Gastón visited Aureliano in his room many times a day because he wanted to befriend him but Aureliano only thought in the Melquiades scrolls. He started to decipher it. They spoke very little. Gastón managed his businesses from Macondo. One day Aureliano was going to buy a book. He saw many people that were talking about a fact to the history. Aureliano helped them to solve the trouble. They became friends. Since they gathered to talk. They were Álvaro, Germán, Alfonso and Gabriel. Aureliano fell in love with Amaranta Úrsula. One day he went to a brothel and he met to Teresa Ternera who read the letters and she said him that they will be together. Amaranta Úrsula did not want to be with him, after she could not say no and they were together.


Gastón wanted to create a business in Macondo so he bought an airplane but it never arrived there. Gatón decided to travel to Bruselas to supervise the business but Amaranta Úrsula did not want to do that. He went alone. Amaranta Úrsula and Aureliano were lovers for a long time. One day amaranta Úrsula told to Gastó that her was fell in love with Aureliano. Gastón did want them to be happy together. Aureliano abandoned totally the study of the Melquiades' scrolls because he just wanted to be with Amaranta Úrsula. After a while the catalán sage said that he will leave Macondo because he was old. He went his native land. In the journey he was painting himself. He sent his pictures to his friends in Macondo and said them they should abandon Macondo. Álvaro was the first in take a train to travel another land. Another day Germán and Alfonso took a train, they wanted to return another day but nevermore anybody heard anything about them. Finally Gabriel won a lottery and he went to France and never came back. Amaranta Úrsula was expecting a baby. When the baby was born, she died. Aureliano did not know what to do. He left the house and came back next day. the baby had disappeared, the ants had devoured him. Then he took the scroll and understood everything. It was about his family history. His ended was near. A tornado destroyed everything and him and his family perished.

lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Fallen by Lauren Kate


Helston, England, September 1854. Two young, one girl and one boy, she always wants to be with him, but he does not want to know about her, because he thought she will be better without him. He wants to leave that place, she discovered with a luggage, she will want to go with him then their started kissing and he saw over their heads a lots of shadows. He knew what is happening and all ended.


Luce is a new student at Sword & Cross. She just entered therre, the attendant give her information bout the place, she was with three other guys. Among the indications that the attendant were that they should not carry forbidden things, they are always watched by reds and they should get away from the problems. First should leave things prohibited in black box, everything stipulated in the list, including cell phones and beepers. The attendant said as consolation that could make a call a week. Arriane internal girl was a voluntary to take her to see the facilities of Sword & Cross, she took her around the yard, and showed her the buildings of the bedrooms, gym and classrooms. Sword & Cross was a military compound, but it was conditioned to school, physical appearance was neglected and dreary. Even they had a cemetery where they buried the dead of the Civil War. Luce started to compare the place with his former Dover School, a boarding school but looked different, in that place she met her best friend Callie. Luce yet know why her parents left there, in a reformatory, she thought maybe it was for what happened last summer at camp, when her friend Trevor died in mysterious circumstances that neither she remembered. When they reached the main courtyard she watched many students, all of them wearing the uniform, black jeans, shirt with long sleeves with high neck and jearsey, though they were custom as they wanted. Some girls had many tattoos and bracelets to the elbows. That a guy catches her sight. It is Daniel Grigory, who with his hand he made a move obscene, in that rings the bell to start classes and everyone starts to leave and enter classrooms.


Arriane takes Luce to the classroom, she takes a seat next to Todd after a while Cam and Arriane begin to talk around her, this was a little uncomfortable for her, Luce wanted Daniel was in the same class, but it was not, Professor Cole came in and closed the door, He gave some notes with the tasks to be performed futhermore it had the final work. It must have more than thirty pages, they used paper airplanes to send messages, the morning class was becoming interminable as they were three hours with the same teacher, after this Arriane and Luce went to the cafe, where Luce was looking for Daniel and Cam, but she failed to find them. Suddenly Luce had an accident with another girl, Luce spreads Molly' food, Molly is furious and wants to attack Luce, but Arriane intervenes to defend. Suddenly Arriane start having some kind of convultions, it appears that are electrical attacks her bracelet, she was taken to the infirmary and looks out as soon as possible from there to look for a bathroom where she can clean food debris that fell on her. In the bathroom he was despondent over that first disastrous day that he had and began to mourn. After a time a girl came into the bathroom, she calls herself Penn, she offered to help Luce, she is suspicious but ultimately accepts the help. Penn washes the hair and gives clean clothes to change into. Penn says he knows some things about Luce, Luce was amazed at how she knows so much about her if it is the firt time we met, Penn says it is administrative assistant and so has read your data sheet also she says it will be classmate in the afternoon.


At the end of afternoon classes Luce went to her room, she was passing through the corridor,  she noticed that all the doors were custom, after that she came in hes room and she felt nostalgic to think that she was so close to home, but at the same time as further, in that she heard knocking on the door, she had a message on a paper airplane near her door. She thought it was Ariane since she had invited to spend the night in her room, she went to see her but she wasn't there. Arriane left a message saying what she will stay in the infirmary. When Luce turns around to go back to her room, Roland's friend Daniel was there, Luce tells him that goes to the library, then Ronald suggests her visit the special collections. Luce decides to visit the library and special collections section and there the shadows begin to appear over his head. Daniel was also there, he was looking at Luce and they spoke a few words, she felt something for him, she didn't know what it was, but he was so avoid her, he took his sketchbook and left the place.


Starts the second day in Sword & Cross, not yet dawn, but she was awake remembering what made with her family on Tuesdays, suddenly she remembers that the previous day she had been punished. She rushes out to the graveyard, when he gets there, she didn't find anyone, She was waiting at the graveyard gate. After a few minutes Penn arrives there and tells her that the other guys are waiting. Luce shocked because She was there for a while and no one, then Penn tells the boys are near the monolith in the center of the cemetery together. She was quick to arrive, the Tros teacher and the boys were there waiting for her. The punishment was that they should form groups of two, Cam and Arianne offered to help Luce, Arriane and Luce formed a team. They had to clean the giant statues, while she does looks away to Daniel, she could not take her eyes off him, Molly said her that she should get away from him. Daniel and Luce suddenly begin to look and he walks toward her, they are very close they can almost touch, in that moment dark shadows appear on their heads, then the statue that suddenly begins to fall, they were unharmed.


On Wednesday afternoon, almost evening Luce was quickly on the phone to use the fifteen minutes. She had to make a phone call, she called her best friend Callie and Luce told her how things were at Sword & Cross, Cam suddenly came down the hall where was the only phone available to students. Luce had not realized that her time was up and the phone is automatically disconnected. Cam then invites her to a party which will take place in his room after the social gathering. All students must attend a social event that was to watch a movie with Professor Cole. After this event were Cam's room, there was music, champagne and an almost incredible festive atmosphere, as everything that was forbidden things at Sword & Cross. Daniel was also there suddenly left the room without others realized, Luce follows him because she wanted to talk to him, but when she leaves the room heard voices in the hallway, Daniel and Gabbe were talking.


Thursday morning, a loud voice woke to Luce, it said they should meet in the gymnasium, Luce was quick to get in the gym. Penn was in the door, then other students and Randy professor were there, the gym looked bad since it was built in a church. Randy began naming the students and gave indications that they had to do in the gym. Penn and Luce had to practice swimming, they were given a bathing suit. They immediately changed and formed for a challenge, Luce froze, while the others had already begun the race. Luce learned to swim as a child with her father,  but she did not know if she could do as they had long practiced. The coach Dante prompted her to start the race. During the race Luce hears the Daniel's voice and She devolved and lost the race. After the end of the race Luce and  Daniel starts looking at while he was training. The strange shadows make an appearance and then disappear. Luce stares at Daniel and tells him, it seems Luce knows him, the answers that they have never been seen before.


Luce was in a hurry to get to classes, but she found to Cam, they set up s conversation but she wanted to go to school because it was getting late, in that Cam tells her that she do not to go to school and it will be better to go to a picnic, Luce did not like the idea and she will punish by the teacher if she fails to attend their classes, but Cam finally persuaded to go, they went to a place rarely visited by other students. In the middle of the cemetery Cam prepared the picnic, it was a hot day and the food was ready, they began to eat. After a few minutes Cam approached Luce, she did not bother but was a little nervous when they were about to kiss comes Gabbe and tells the teacher is looking for, they decide to go to school, no one seemed her absence have noticed. They entered the library, a teacher told them to do a task on your tree, family, Luce could not concentrate on the task because Daniel was also there, enters the program to search and she just wrote Daniel Grigori.


On Saturday morning Penn was to visit Luce in her room, she told Luce that if  she wanted to know something about Daniel that she could help her, Penn knew the place where the records of the students were and they were there, they entered a kind of dreary basement room, there were many shelves with boxes of documents, she found the record of Daniel, but while she was reading, she was surprised, he had been arrested only by crossing the red light, there was nothing. Luce rushes out in fear of being discovered, after she had left that place, she started down the sports field, not realizing the ball hit her head, Daniel helps her up and takes her for a walk, she followed instinctively reach a small forest which had a small lake, Luce could not believe such a place existed at Sword & Cross, the two enter the lake and reach a small rock, where they have a chat. Daniel says he has no girlfriend, nor are interested in having one, then  Daniel went away from that place.


On Monday night, in the largest room of Augustine, Miss Sophia gave an review of the religion, because they were near the middle partial exams and how Luce only had a week, she should take notes for taking the test the next day. She had spent all day in the lounge, she had only eaten sandwiches. While Mrs. Sofia gave his class, students commented each of his words, Luce began to bother with them, Arriane sent a couple of messages, one was referring to Daniel, the other could not read, and she put it in her pocket.At the end of the class Daniel approached her, he apologizes for having left a sudden way the other day. They talked a while about religion classes had to Luce. She was more than exhausted that day after that she began asking Daniel for his family, he felt uncomfortable. Roland came to him and they decide to leave the classroom.


Penn says Luce to go to the library, Luce was amazed, she do not know what he was talking about, then Penn asked she, if she had received her messages she had sent to Cam, he had not delivered. He delivers them right away but also he makes Luce a present of a gold necklace with a pendant that had a snake head. Pen tells Luce read the notes that she sent to Luce, it can be seen that were photocopies, a list of students and a curious fact of Daniel, possibly an ancestor of Daniel have written a book, so Penn wanted to go the library to read it. When they reached the library they found Miss Sophia, who they say they are going to review for the exam. They were directed to the section where it should be the book but they cannot find it, Luce began to feel a strange chill, the shadows have returned, suddenly the fire alarm was activated, and they starts walking Luce meets Todd, both seek output,  the smoke covers the tops of the room, barely make it out, but Luce knows nothing about Penn and Miss Sophia who were also there.


Luce woke up the day after the incident, she was in an unfamiliar room, she suddenly looked at a girl who was sitting next to the bed where she was, She was Gabbe, Arriane also came after a moment and she gave their a drink. Luce still had a pain behind his head. Luce had a dream to Daniel, but it was only a dream. Luce asks by Todd, Arriane whispers that he's gone, Luce's mind suddenly came the memory of Trevor and she did not want to go through that. Luce's parents were doing the paperwork because she was in a hospital. She had inhaled a lot of smoke. Penn suddenly entered the room and told her that Miss Sophia was all right. After completing the view, the girls left the room, after their parents and police officers entered the room, they asked questions of the incident, Luce answered every detail of what she remembered. Luce looked Daniel. He said something that she didn't understand


Two days had passed since the incident of the library, that day is going to perform a religious ceremony in honor of Todd who had died, Luce was there, it was late afternoon, she wore a black sleeveless dress. Teachers and students gathered at the graveyard, and there was no chapel, an old priest held the celebration, at the end everyone went to the makeshift reception had been done, there Cam approached her and invited her to come out, if she wanted to go to other place more comfortable, suddenly Daniel approaches her and interrupts their conversation. Luce and Daniel begin to chat and they went away from the crowd, without others realizing it, they went to the small forest where they had been last time. Luce hoped that now was different and he did not go out of there suddenly. They were talking for a while, but that Daniel takes a path and disappeared into the trees.


It was a family day at Sword & Cross, parents could spend the Saturday with their sons, Luce's parents were waiting for her to spend the day together, they had prepared a small picnic with favorite food Luce, in the backyard, they selected a tree that provided shade, Luce had invited to Pen to spend the day with them, they ate together, then the teachers had prepared some activities for parents and sons, Luce chose the activity that Professor Cole had prepared the same which consisted of a historical tour of the cemetery of  Sword & Cross, they gathered at the door to start with the tour, when they were being in the graveyard, Luce meets Cam, he seems annoying because she is not wearing the chain that had given her. At the end of the family day, Luke's parents are leaving from the place. After Penn remembers her parents and she decides to visit their in the graveyard, Luce went with her, she was back, she looked at a guy at the top of the monolith, he was Daniel, Luce then understands that he is alone in the world.


On Tuesday started with rain, all the students were in their classrooms and they were not allowed to leave, it was a long and exhausting day. At the end of the day, Luce wanted to go to the gym because the last night she had a dream with Daniel and Cam. Cam gave her a little kiss while Daniel gave her a great kiss, she felt her skin was burning and she became in cinder. when she was in the pool, Penn arrived there y told her that she had information about Daniel. She went to the library and Miss Sophia helped them. then Cam came to her and gave her a small box after that they were so close that their lips were melted in a subtle kiss, in that she looks around and Daniel was seeing them, Cam and Daniel are set to discuss after they were fighting. Professor Cole separated them. Luce looked the present of Cam and it was a note that he had left.


The note of Cam was an invitation to leave Sword & Cross, she was waiting at the door and suddenly a car opened its door, she doubt but finally she got in the car and took her to the place where Cam was expected her, they came to a place not very stylish bar with careless facade, Luce was with the intention of telling Cam that she wanted nothing to him, and she was to return the necklace. Luce and Cam enter the Bar, where they start drinking, suddenly strange men appear and start bothering. Cam eventually begins to fight with them, in that moment shadows appear, Luce looks that beginning to form circles on top room, Cam is out of control, decides looks out at that meets Daniel and Luce goes with it, then he was driving for a while to come to a beach, they begin to talk, and end up kissing. Daniel is very concerned about what might happen, just say they will come and do not know how to protect them.


Luce awakens the next day in her room, she had received two letters, one was from Cam and another from Daniel, both were invitations to her, she decided to go to the cemetery to see Cam instead of Daniel. Luce wanted to make clear that Cam, because she did not feel anything for Cam, She was to the graveyard, she looked at Cam who was there waiting for her, he did not return at her until she was very close, then he apologizes for the behavior of the other night then Luce said to him that I din not want anything with you, then Cam tells her that is not necessary to rush into her decision between Daniel and him, Cam asked Luce one last kiss, she accepts, and suddenly she saw  to Gabbe and Daniel, Gabbe began to fight with Cam, she tried him like a child. Daniel takes Luce, they went to talk, then Daniel tells the truth, he tells her that he is immortal and every seventeen years, he met a girl in his life and he falls in love appears, and they always have a tragic end, and that girl always is Luce.


After the conversation with Daniel she could not believe what he would said, she just ran to her room and lay in bed to think about everything that were happened in that she found a note from Penn, it was next to book that they were looking for, reviewing the book Luce looks at a photo of a boy from 1845, was much like Daniel and a girl with him, looking at the photograph she realizes that the girl in the picture is very similar to her, then decides to look for Penn, she goes to the library, there was Miss Sophia, who I talk about what happened, Miss Sophia seems to know something, but she says nothing, Luce wanted to see Daniel, since then meditate and read the book told how everything seemed to make sense when they were in the courtyard looked at Penn near the cemetery, she told her that something was happening in the center, there had formed something flickering.


Luce imagined that Daniel would be there, she ran quickly to the center of the graveyard regardless of anything else, Penn and Miss Sophia followed her, hen they were arriving at the place, Luce looked at Daniel who was on top of a statue, she wanted to climb but she slipped and she fall, she was inadvertently in Daniel's arms, then she understood that was Daniel, he was an angel. At the moment she felt safe as he held her. Daniel told him he should not be there. Suddenly the shadows she had seen before, they began to appear everywhere, applause was heard in the distance, it was Cam, behind him an army of shadows has been formed, Luce did not understand what is going on. Gabbe and Arianne join Daniel and tells Luce that are out there, she with Penn and Miss Sophia began to walk away, Penn's shoulder injury, Miss Sophia carries her into a room, being there Miss Sophie closes all windows, she takes out a knife and ends with the life of Penn. Luce did not understand why she has done.


Miss Sophia after takes the life of Penn, she took Luce by a gloomy hall to get to a place that resembled a chapel, in the background you could see an altar, where Miss Sophia tied Luce her hands and her legs, then she began to search the knife with which she was to sacrifice Luce. She was still unable to defend themselves, and she asks to Miss Sophia although she kills her, Luce raise seventeen years, that Miss Sophia says she can only reincarnate if she had been baptized, otherwise she could not return. When she was just about to die a glowing light appears, it was Daniel who came to her rescue, Miss Sofia went far away, at the same time Gabbe and Arriane also enter the room showing her delicate wings, they were also angels. They decide to bury Penn, an innocent victim of a senseless war.


With the first rays of sun Luce went to the cemetery, so that Daniel knew where the grave was Penn's father, there was a cloud of dust all over the place, then Daniel takes Luce to the lake where they had seen days before, when they came there he says they have to cross the lake and that the other side was a plane waiting for her to take her to a safety, both crossed and reach the other side you could hear the plane, hugged, she did not want to separate from him, Daniel tells her to trust her instincts because she have many dangers and people you can not trust, when she gets there, she looks down to the plane to Professor Cole, Daniel tells her to trust him. Daniel and Luce say goodbye and start the journey on the plane that gradually moves away from Sword & Cross.