martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Crime and Punishment by Fedor Dostoiewski (Second Part)


The young Raskolnikov was sleeping when he can hear screams from the street, they are people who were getting out from the taverns, in that moment he was thinking about that he did last night, after that he was checking his clothes, he noticed that the fringes of his pants were drops of blood, also in his pocket had drops of blood, he cut them and tried to get rid of them, he went to sleep again, in the morning Anastasia knocked the door and gave to Raskolnikof a summons from the police. She said that he should not go to the police station if he is sick, but he wanted to go, the police station was near to his house, when he was there, he spoke with the secretary then he  present his summon and the secretary said it was by a debt that he had with Zarnitzine since nine months ago, Raskolnikof kept calm because it was different from what he had imagined. He did a declaration to repaid the money, don't leave the city and don't sell anything, after that he left the police station.


The young Raskolnikov was thinking in the jewels that he had took at the last night, he thought that the police suspected of him, he went to his home and took the jewels, he put them in his pockets and went far away. He thought that the best way to get rid of the jewelry was throwing them to the sea. After that he thought that is better to bury them in the forest, when he was waking to the forest he saw an abandoned place, in that moment he decided to let the jewels under a rock in that place. After that he continued walking until he arrived at home's friend, he entered there and took with his friend, he was working in a translation, he wanted to give a part of that to Raskolnikof, but he refused and let that place. He walked for several hours until arrived his home, he was to sleep and woke up by scream of his lessee, after a while Anastasia entered to his room with food, he asked her about the screams, she said nothing happened, no one was screaming.


The young Raskolnikof recovered the awareness, in his room were his friend Razumikhin and the maid, anastasia, they told him that a friend of Razumikhin is a doctor, and he have checked him, he was sick because he had eaten well the last days, but he will be well soon, also, a strange man was looking, the man was a businessman, his mother had sent money with him, he wanted to deliver the money to Raskolnikof, but el young man did not want that money, his friends convinced him to take the money, after that he thought that he continued to have hallucinations, so he wanted to go to other place where no one could find him. He drank a beer and he was dizzy. He was to sleep, when he woke up, his friend was waiting with a package, it was clothes for him, they helped him to change clothes, in that Zosimof arrived there.


Zosimof was a doctor, he was visiting to Raskolnikof to see his progress, Rasumikhine said that he was recovered the awareness, the doctor said it is good, he is better, but he must eat only some things ad soon he will be well, after that they was talking, Zosimof invited Rasumikhine a party, it was because he was changing his house where he lived, he said is a small party, only close friends will go, Rasumikhine was not sure to go, after that they started to talk about the crime of the old pawnbroker, they was furious with police, because they considered that they did not do the best to resolve the case, the main suspect was a painter who was working in the building in that day. In the night that occurred the murder he was working with a friend, but they left that place because they were playing, the painter came back there to organize his tools and found the earrings behind the door. Police continued searching, in that a man arrived to the Raskolnokof's room, no one knew him.


The strange man was stood at the door for a while without saying anything, Rasumikhine asked him who are you, then he said my name is Piotr Petrovich and I am looking for Raskolnikof, Zosimof said, he is lying in the bed, he is sick for several days, today he recovered the consciousness, Piotr Petrovich said that he is engaged with his sister, Raskolnikof was angry because he considered that he is not adequate for her. All of them were talking about economy and politics, Piotr Petrovich was uncomfortable because Rascolnikof was not friendly with him, he told them that his mother and sister will come in the coming days after that Piotr Petrovich decide to leave that place, they continued to talk about the crime, in that moment Raskolnikof said that he wanted to be alone, all of them went out to the room.


anastasia helped Raskolnikof to put the new clothes that his friend Rasumikhine had bought, after that he left his room and went out, he was walking and thinking in the crime, he wanted to finish with that, then he was near a cafe, he entered there and ordered a tea and the newspaper and old newspaper to read about the crime, then the secretary of the police station approached him, they were talking of many things, the secretary asked him what about he was reading, Raskolnikof said I was reading about the crime of the old pawnbroker, Raskolnikof thought he was suspected, after that Raskolnikof left that place and started to walk, he came to a bridge, in that place a girl jumped to the river, a police rescued her, he started to walk again, he was in the building where occurred the crime, he was to the room, and saw that everything was different, he said to the doorman that he wanted to rent that room, they were surprised and they did not pay attention to him.


Raskolnikov started to walk by different streets, in that he saw many people, he went to see what is happening, it was an accident, a person was run over, the driver said that he was innocent because he was driving slowly and suddenly he was on street and the horses passed over him, the policeman was asking if they knew who is him, Raskolnikof knew him, he is the man who met weeks ago in a tavern. Raskolnikof decided to take him to his home, when they came there, Raskolnikof was looking for a doctor, the doctor said he is bad, he only has about five minutes of life, a priest arrieved there and spoke with him after that he died, Raskolnikof was affected by facts then he gave all of his money to Catalina Ivanovna, and left tht place. He went to see to his friend Rasumikhine, after that they went to Raskolnikof's house, there were waiting his mother and sister.

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