lunes, 18 de julio de 2016

Crime and Punishment by Fedor Dostoiewski (First Part)


A hot afternoon in early July, a young man left the place where he lived, it was a small room at the top of a building, he came out with great care because he did not want to see the landlady, since he owed a lot of money income of the room. Upon leaving the building, he went to a place where he had business to do, he knew exactly the distance since a month ago, he had counted the steps to get there, it was a business that he had planned to make that day. He walked down the central square of Petersburg, he wore an aging clothes, but it did not attract attention, suddenly he became tall building and  climbed to the fourth floor, there he knocked on the door of a small room, an old woman lived there, she was Alena Ivanovna, she was a usurious, the young man entered the room and looked around then he tells her that he wanted to pawn a watch, she did not want to do it because he owes a lot of money, but then accepts a lower amount. The young Raskolnikof remains motionless for a few moments without knowing what to do or say, then leaves the room and goes to tavern to quench their thirst.


The young Raskolnikof continued drinking at the tavern, when suddenly a man who had appearance of a civil servant, he was looking at him, after a while he started a conversation with Raskolnikof, and he says his name, it was Marmeladof, he mentions that he worked as a civil servant, but he was dismissed from his job, because he had a vice of alcoholism, then he approaches the table of the young man and begins to tell the sad story of his life, he mentions that he met his wife on a trip, and she had been widowed, she was a very beautiful woman and she had three children, also, he had been married and had a daughter. Marmeladof had pity on her, as he had found her in misery, he decided to rescue her and marry her, at first everything was fine, then he started drinking daily and lost his job, children had nothing to eat, Sonia daughter Marmeladof, helped his family, she gave money to Katerina Ivanovna, the wife of Marmeladof, she lived elsewhere, then Marmeladof got a job and appeared to kick the habit, but it was only an appearance since then he took  money of his wife and spent it on liquor for five days, after that he returned home, the young Raskolnikof helped him, arriving there he pitied and left a ruble was near the window and hurried away.


Raskolnikof was in his room, the cook said to him that the owner of the house was going to report to the police for not paying the pension of the room also she gave him a letter, after the girl left, he opened it, the letter was two handwritten sheets, he recognized the handwriting, it was from his mother, it was a long time she had not written to him. In the letter she mentioned why she had not written to him in months. One reason was that they had no money to send him. His sister had applied for a loan to send him long ago, and she had to work to pay for it, his sister is Dunia, in the house where she works suffered from abuse by her employer because he was in love with her, but he did not want to show it, but one day not contain their feelings and approached her from improper way, but his wife found them, Dunia was fired by his wife, and she began to tell calamities of Dunia. The husband then showed a letter that Dunia had sent him, then the wife regrets everything she had said and apologized to the family of Dunia, in that a relative of the wife knows Dunia, and he proposes marriage, Dunia accepts, and soon they will go to Petersburg, then they will find after several years.


The young man after finishing reading the letter, he began to meditate on its contents, he thought that she was doing, since she could not marry someone just for money, he thought that she was sacrificing for him, so that he could return to study at the university, he was angry because they had not been consulted before the decision and wanted to stop it in any way. After that he went for a walk on the street, where a girl caught his attention because it seemed to bring clothes torn, on the boulevard where it was a bench, the girl sat up suddenly there, Raskolnikof as he approached the girl could see that it was under the influence of alcohol, and she appeared to be unconscious, a man was watching the young man did not leave because he thought the girl was in danger, he asked for help to a policeman, the girl reacted and left . The young man thought he was going to the house of a former college roommate, as they had many things in common both had left the university for lack of resources. They had not seen in a long time.


On the way to see his friend, he thought that he had no reason to go to see him, what could make Razumihin for him, perhaps lend some money or get him some classes. Raskolnikof carefully thought and decided to no go to see him, but another day he will go, and began to return home, he felt hungry and bought a piece of cake and a glass of vodka was taken, as he was not used this gave him shudder in his body, He slept over some trees, in this, he had an unpleasant dream of his childhood, where many drunks killed a horse, he awoke troubled and was still weak, and thought if he could realize his project. On returning home near the market he looked at the sister of the pawnbroker, she was Elisabeth Ivanovna, she was talking with some merchants of the place, she made an appointment for the next day at 7 pm, at first she did not accept but after a little unsure she accepted, Raskolnikof knew that this was the opportunity that he was waiting for his project from that moment he could not stop thinking about that, but really be able to do.


A month ago a friend mentioned to Raskolnikof the old pawnbroker, at that moment the young man needed money, he went to pawn the ring that his sister had given him before he left. After that he went to a tavern, there he heard talking to a student and an officer, the strange thing was that they were talking about the old pawnbroker, they mentioned that she was rich and evil, even mentioned that they wanted to kill and seize the money and with that act they would make a good action to the city, and many people do not lose their property. The young man returned home, he lay down to sleep, the next day lying stayed all day, the third day just got up and took a couch and sewed a kind of cord to hold something. Then I thought about taking an ax from the kitchen when the maid is not it, to start the journey to complete your project to get the kitchen maid was there, he had not left. Raskolnikof went out and happened to the concierge room was open, but he was not, he took the ax and went to the house of the usurious.


The young Raskolnikof arrived to the woman's house, then he rang the bell, the woman opened the door and he entered to the room, he told her he wanted to pawn something, she was opening a package when he took the ax and hit her in her head, after that she fell to the floor, she had died. Then he took her keys and went to her room, he looked for something valuable and found it, in that momento he heard something, it was her sister Lisbeth, Raskolnikof killed her too, after that two men arrived there, they rang the bell but no one opened the door, they went to look for someone to open the door, in that he went out to other room and hid there, finally he went out to the building and started to walk with a crowed street, and he got home, he put the ax where he took it and he went to his room and stayed there for a long time.

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