domingo, 10 de abril de 2016

Cumandá by Juan León Mera

CHAPTER 1: Eastern jungle

The majestic Tungurahua raises its summit on the foothills of the Andes, is located near a small town called Baños de Agua Santa where are some rivers to start the Pastaza, its way into large rocks and chasms that villagers improvised bridges for crossing, that were made of bamboo, after a while they bridge disappear into the river. People must have some abilities to cross it. Continuing the journey to the Amazon: It looks at an endless desert green,  which only the horizon can be seen when crossing the blue sky. The Pastaza delivers his tribute to the Napo River, which along with other rivers increase their flow, making seaworthy Napo River. the river was sailed long time ago by D. Pedro Vicente Maldonado and Sotomayor. The river began to have calm waters where it began to form small islands in its foothills. The enviable nature that was inspiring for any poet.

CHAPTER 2: The Tribes záparas and jívaras

In the amazon region live many tribes, many of them are dangerous. In the time of colony, they sent people there like priests. They wanted to civilize that people, but they did not believe in anything and when they felt threatened, they fought by their beliefs and territory. The Záparos and Jívaros killed many people when they arrived there. The tribes fought between them. One of them did not want to go to the war. They preferred to leave that land and seek other. They went by a river until to arrive to another river called Palora. They stayed there, normally they called their tribes accordance to the place where they lived so they called the Paloras his chief was the curaca Yamarhuaqui. The tribes that live there know of the arrival the Paloras. They sent to Paloras many presents and they offered their friendship. One of them was the son of the chief Tongana of the Záparos. They made a deal.

CHAPTER 3: The Tongana's family

The tribes of the Zaparos lived in the angle formed by the river Pastaza and Palora. The tribe was small. the chief was Tongana, his wife was Pona. They had two sons, they were married and they had two children. Finally the last son was Cumandá, she was a beautiful girl, she was a little different than her family. Pona was considered like a witcher, she always had a poison in her leather bag. When Cumandá was a child, she swan the Palora river then her father called her Cumandá. She was raised in the same conditions than her brothers, they did the same things and they made competitions, many times she won them. The old chief Tongana hated the foreign people that came there. They were jealous of their territory. One day they heard that one foreign guy has arrived there. Cumandá liked to go the jungle and explored new places. she was always happy and she had a beautiful smile. One day she was taciturn, anybody knew what is happening with her. She fell in love.

CHAPTER 4: Next to the palm trees

Among the Parlor and Upiayacu rivers, near that place had two palms, they were together, in the palms had lianas, they had flowers of different colors, one of the had a strange symbols. In the morning she woke up early and she went to that place, when she was there and saw the symbols. She was thinking about it and started to feel strange. She stayed for a long time. Suddenly in the distance she could see a guy, he was coming there, she was happy. He was a foreign guy that came there time ago. He is Carlos de Orozco. She claim him because she considered that was late. They were talking about long time. She said him that she had to a ceremony with her family, and she went to a like called Chimano. it will be soon. The party of the canoes was celebrated in honor od the deal between the Paloras and Záparos. Cumandá had to bring the flower to Yamarhuaqui and say a speech. After that they thought get married, but they had a problema, her father hated the European people.

CHAPTER 5: Andoas

It is place that is located near the mouth of Bobonaza river, the tribe was a hundred meter from there. They were fifty families, each of them had its own house. Around the house they are crops such as vegetables, bananas and oranges. People who was engaged in fishing had their houses more near the river. When the river grew its waves touched their houses. That tribe was different from other because they had accepted a missionary to live there. He was a priest. He had evangelized to that people. He learned too how to work the soil to produce food. The house of the missionary was the most big in the tribe. It had two floors. The church was big, in there people gathered for the mass. They had a bell, it always is with them, the bell sounded in the morning in the afternoon, it also sounded when people died. They were living happy.

CHATPER 6: Years ago

The Fray Domingo one day he was in his house and he was sad, because he remembered his family, he was married with Carmen, they had five children. their first born was Carlos, and the last child was a beautiful girl, they called her Julia. Carlos had entered t to school in Riobamba, it was a boarding school. One day Mr. Domingo decided to visit his son in Riobamba. His family stayed in the farm. While he was in Riobamba, there was a rebellion. The indigenous uprising because they were mistreated by their masters. They felt much hatred so they decided to revenge of their master. The indigenous burned the houses with the families of their master inside. When Mr. Domingo knew it, he returned quickly but it was late. The house was burned, his entire family had died. After that he decided to become in a friar. Carlos finished his studies and the priest Domingo was sent to the Andoas. There he won the darling of the people rapidly. He was named as the chief of Christians.


Carlos was a twenty-five years old, he had become in a great poet. He seemed to have the characteristics of famous poets. He preferred to be alone. He was to send to evangelize native people in the amazon region. He was lived with his father in the tribe of the záparos. Carlos liked to walk alone in the middle of the jungle. From he arrived there he had demonstrated skills to use the canoe. Many times he took a canoe and went by the Pastaza river, he crossed by other rivers such as Bobonaza or Palora. One day he was navigating by the Palora river and he arrived to the place called two palms. He stayed there for a long time and it was late to came back to home. He preferred to stay there until next day. In the breaking down he listened a voice that was singing. She was Cumandá but suddenly she had disappeared. since that day he often went there. They became friends.

CHAPTER 8. Pastaza down

Carlos had asked to permission to his father P. Domingo to go to the feast of the canoes in the Chimano lake, but the P. Domingo did not want he was going there because he considered that is danger. The jívaros hated white people. Carlos was persuasive and P. Domingo gave him a permission to go there but he did not go alone, he went with other indigenous. The day had arrived, Carlos was preparing his canoe with de other indigenous. While the day was passing, many canoes were coming to the harbor of Andoas from the other tribes. There were many canoes and the majority of theme are the same, only the canoe of the chief Yamarhuaqui was different, it was the most bigger and striking. Carlos looked for to Cumandá but he did not found. They started down by the Pastaza River, que the sun was disappeared they tied their canoes to the trees. In the early morning Cumandá came to Carlos and they were talking, She said him that she was hiding by order of her father and the palms where they met, it had been destroyed, she was very worried and she had fear by her father because he hated the white people.

CHAPTER 9: In the Chimano lake

In the next day the journey continued to the Chimano lake, they were navigating the whole day. At dusk they arrived to the mouth of the river with the Shimano like. It is navigable only when de river is high but in that moment the river is low. Even the most little canoes could not go by there. They went by foot. In the dawn of the next day, they were in the Chimano lake. The tribes put their canoes in the lakeside. They needed to prepare the details of the celebration because that should start at noon. People put in the middle of the lake a raft with a throne. It was impressive. It was for the great curaca Yahuarmaqui, the chief of the Paloras. The celebration started with the warriors, they had to present gifs and said why the best warriors. After that is the turn of the virgins. One by one they presented their gifs, finally it was the turn of the virgen of the flowers, she appeared in her canoe and she went to the front of Yahuarmaqui and gave the gifts of her tribe. Carlos was there then he was beaten by an indigenous. Carlos fell into the lake. Cumandá jumped to rescue to Carlos. Her father was upset because he wanted to kill him. The curaca Yahuarmaqui said that is not a moment to bloodshed and the celebration should be continued.

CHAPTER 10: Night party

The night is very important for them so they received it with music and singing, the princess of the celebration were singing even Cumandá. Their song was sad like somebody had been hurt. when the moon had risen they lit torches that were tied to the canoes. That were navigating by the lake, it was creating many figures in the surface of the water. After that people made a woodpile to create a wood fire. They cooked and ate. In the fire they put gifts for the good genius of the river. women put their many species that has a nice smell. All of them were drinking liquor of yuca. After a few hours they were loaded. The old head snow wanted to kill to the foreign so he sent one of his sons to kill Carlos. He put a poison in the liquor that he gave him, after that Cumandá came there, she save life of her lover. Many people heard that so all of them went to their houses.

CHAPTER 11: Fatal discretion

The old Tongana was upset, because he had failed to kill to Carlos. The celebration continued, they were cooking and eating. After that they started to drink liquor of yuca. The old Tongana was in his hut with his family. When he was loaded, he started to reproach to Cumandá, he said that relation is not posible. He preferred to see her die before she was with him. He took her where the boss of the bosses. He told him about the situación between her daughter and the foreign. The curaca Yamarhuaqui took a decision. He did not to kill them so the old Tongana offered to Cumandá. She did not want to married with him. She told the curaca that she would rather die than live without him. then her father said the curaca that he could give to his daughter to be his wife. He was agree. Yahuarmaqui exile to Carlos and Cumandá stayed with her fathers until they will marry.

CHAPTER 12: Leakage

The old Tongana was in his hut with his family. He was thinking how kill to Carlos, he said to one of his sons how he can kill him. They were waiting for a long time while the other people were to sleep. Carlos was walking by the jungle. The son of the old Tongan way to look for him. Cumandá had heard all of things that they wanted to do. She went quickly to seek him. she found him first and told him everything that he knew. They put a ghost instead of him. The son of Tongana shot to the ghost. Carlos y Cumandá were hidden in the middle of the jungle. After that they decided to escape from there. They took the way to find the Pastaza river. They were walking for several hours by the jungle, she had instinct to walk in the jungle without lose the path. Finally they arrived to the mouth of the river. They liberated all the canoes and took one. They decided to go down by the river.

CHAPTER 13: Unexpected Fight

Near dawn a záparo was to seek to Carlos, but he could not find him. Then he put his ear on the ground. He was hearing by many minutes. In that he can hear a lot of steps. Many people were walking there. He run immediately to talk with the old curaca. The war is coming . The old curaca prepared everything for the battle, the warriors were ready. many of them were still drunk. the battle had started, the invaders were the zamoras and logroños, their chief was Mayariaga. the battle was terrible many people were killed. In the middle of the Batlle Mayariaga and the old curaca were fighting, Mayariaga hurt to Yahuarmqui. The fight continued for a few minutes then Yahuarmaqui defeated Mayariaga, he cut his head. He wanted to put the head with a award by his victory.

CHAPTER 14: The exchange

After that the battle finished, that place was desolated, because many people were killed between warriors and villagers. Cumandá's brothers were killed, her father was hurt. Pona thought that Cumandá was died, because they found many bodies burned. Last day there people were celebrating, but next day that was a terrible moment to the tribe. After a while a messenger of the Zamoras arrived there to talk with the curaca. He came there in peace. He said to the curaca that he wanted to take the body of his chief to bury him according to their customs. Yahuarmqui accepted to give the body, but he did not give the head because he wanted to dissect the head. The messenger propose an interchange, Yahuarmqui must give the head of his chief. then the messenger will give two prisoners. they were Cumandá and the foreign. Yahuarmqui accepted. One Záparo claimed as a war trophy to Carlos. Cumandá stayed with Yahuarmaqui.

CHAPTER 15: Lakeshore Palora

Before returning the chief Yahuarmaqui ordered that people killed were buried according of the customs of each tribe. After that they returned to their tribes in the Palora river. When they were passing through Andoas, Carlos was waiting to see Cumandá, he was looking for a few hours, but he could see her again. He was very sad. When the Paloras arrived to their tribe. They started to prepare the wedding between Yahuarmaqui and Cumandá. She did not agree with that but she could not escape. The last day when moon disappeared they were married. The time came, they were ready, he put the belt of the green snake and gave many gifts. They were eating and drinking a lot. After that they were to bed. Yahuarmaqui was tired, he seemed sick, he was dying. Cumandá was scared because she thought that she was buried with him then she decided to escape. Her mother helped Cumandá. Pona gave instructions to Cumanda and she escaped behind the house.

CHAPTER 16: Alone and fugitive in the jungle

Cumandá started the journey, she was walking for whole night. In the first hour of the morning, she was tired. she rested for a few minutes, she was thinking in his lover Carlos. that gave her more force to continue. It was near at noon. She was starving and thirsting, after that she found water, she drank it and eat grapes. She was very tires but she wanted to arrive to Andoas so she continued the journey. She walked for whole night. On next next day the cloud was cloudy. it heard thunder very close. She was scared because she was alone in the middle of the jungle. She stayed in an old trunk. After she continued walking, she arrived to her house where she lived with her parents. That place was abandoned, there only stayed the dog but after a while the dog died. She heard sounds so she left that place. She arrived to the place where were two palms. She started to cry, she saw a canoe and took it, she started down by the river but she could not control it because the river was swollen.

CHAPTER 17: Anguish and heroism

In the morning one záparo was coming to Andoas, to the arrival he told to P. Domingo that they had found a girl on the river, but they needed to help to rescue her. P. domingo sent many of the to rescue the girl. She was beautiful, they thought that she was died, but when the P. Domingo examined her, he said that she was alive. when she awoke, the P. Domingo asked her where did she get the canoe?, she said in the river near the palms where they used to be together. After that one jívaro came there, he said we had to Carlos, we will do a exchange, the jívaros wanted to Cumandá and the Andoas wanted to Carlos, but P. Domingo did not want to sacrifice to Cumandá because she was special for him, she resembled his wife Carmen. so he went to pray then one záparo took her and they went to the jívaros, and they started to return to their tribe.

CHAPTER 18: Last interview on earth

Cumandá and the messenger went to the camp, where they were waiting for her. the great cucara Yahuarmaqui had dead, they had a tradition, when the chief died he should be buried with his wife. She must be the most beloved. Cumandá was elected as the most beloved. She should die and go with her husband, as queen chosen to die, she could ask a desire. The curaca Sinchirigra accepted the wish of her. She wanted to see to Carlos. Sinchirigra was angry because he did not want that, but he gave his word and he fulfilled the desire to Cumandá. Carlos was tied in a trunk, they spoke for a while, she gave him a present and she put it in his neck. After that she was to her fathers, they were also tied. Finally the jívaros took to Cumandá and returned to their tribe.

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