lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Hundred Years of Loneliness by Gabriel García Márquez


Macondo is a small village, it was located in a place unknown, there are no more of three hundred people, it was built by José Arcadio Buendía and others. José Arcadio Buendía was married with Úrsula and he has two sons José Arcadio and Aureliano. The village was near a river. One day strange people came there, they are Gypsies and they brought some things that were unknown for them. José Arcadio was amazed with that. He bought two bar magnets to find gold. On another occasion he bought a magnifying glass to use in war, and finally he bought a equipment of alchemist. All of them failed. People of the village are thinking that José Arcadio Buendía was crazy. José Arcadio Buendía wants to leave that place because he wants to know the inventions of the world but his wife doesn't want. He organized an expedition to find others ways to communicate with other villages but he failed a come back Macondo. After a few times the Gypsies return there but José Arcadio Buendía don't know anybody. Melquiades had died and he went to see the new things a he saw a box with ice. he was amazed with that.


Ancestors from them used to live in Riohacha. They are living there. José Arcadio Buendía y Úrsula were cousins therefore the Úrsula's family doesn't agree with that relationship, because they think that Úrsula's children will be misshapen. Despite of it they married. One day José Arcadio Buendía had a trouble with Prudencio Aguilar who died. So much José Arcadio and Úrsula often saw to Prudencio Aguilar after he died. So they decide to live that place. Many friends of them went with them. They took some things for the journey. They travelled for many months until to arrive a river. He had a dream that night. Next day he persuaded the rest of people to stay there. The built houses with trees and they called it Macondo. Úrsala was pregnant with her third child. the son was a girl and they called her Amaranta.time after, the gypsies come back again, José Aureliano Buendía met a girl there therefore he went with them when his mother knew about it. she went to look them but she missed in the jungle and return to Macondo after six month approximately. she did not find them but she found the path that her husband had not found years ago.


After a while Teresa Ternera went to live with the family Buendía, they were the grandparents of her son, they called him Arcadio. A fe years later they received a strange visitant. She said that she was their cousin and her parents had died. She was Rebeca. She almost had the same age of Amaranta and Arcadio. One day Rebeca had symptoms of rare illness. People who had that illness could not sleep and they forgot everything then they started to write names and descriptions of the things. The village was in a trouble because other people no longer came to town. One day a old man arrived there. He gave the medicine to treat that illness. After many years the children become adults. Úrsula did not want that her family was divided so she planned to extend the house. After that the town had a visitant, he was Mr. Apolinar Moscote who was named as Mayor of Macondo, the citizens did not agree with that decision. He came there with his family. José Arcadio Buendía went to talk with him and they put a conditions to stay there. Aureliano was impressed with the youngest daughter. She was Remedios.


When the house was finished, Úrsula decorated her house with many fashionable things. One thing was a pianola. Pietro Crespi installed it. He had worked for two weeks until it was working. Amaranta and Rebeca always were looking at him. When he finished, he left the village. Rebeca started to write letter to Petro and he responde her. One day el mail did not arrive there. she was sad and started to eat soil again. Úrsula opened Rebeca's box and she read the letters. Amaranta was feeling terrible because she also was fell in love Pietro too. Úrsula said that Rebeca and Pietro should marry, the amaranta did agree with that. After some days Úrsula decided to travel with Amaranta for her to forget Pietro. Aureliano still obsessed with Remedios. He decide to go to ash the hand of Remedios in married. He talk with Mr. Moscote and he said the name of the girl that he want to married. they were disconcerted because she was still a child. they accepted but he should wait to the married. for that facts José Arcadio Buendía started to see some things of his past. He had seen to Prudencio Aguilar and Melquiades but they were dead. José Arcadio talked some things that nobody could understand so his family put him tied to a tree in the backyard.


Finally Aureliano and Remedios married. Remedios always kept serenity while Aureliano was nervous. Father nicanor came there to celebrate the matrimony. After that Father Nicanor looked at that people did not believe in god because he decided to stay there and build a church. One day Amaranta was felt unwell. it was for a coffee she drank after she died. The family cancelled the wedding of Rebeca with Pietro. Amaranta was felt guilty with that and she adopted her son Aureliano José. After a while José arcadio Buendía came back of his journey, he had some tattoos all over the body. Rebeca was impressed with him, suddenly they decided married. Úrsula did not agree but finally she accepted. They were to live in another house. Pietro Crespi was sad but he still went to visited to the Buendía family. One day Pietro wanted to married with Amaranta. Aureliano still visited to Mr. Moscote, in the day of elections Aureliano saw how Mr. Moscote changed the votes of people, after that Aureliano wanted to start the war because he did not agree with Mr. Moscote's politics.


Aureliano become a colonel, he made many battles against the government. He lost all of them and he has seventeen children and they died in one night. While Aureliano was in war. Arcadio was named as Mayor of Macondo. He was a bad authority because he ordered to kill people when they did not obey orders. Úrsula did not want to continue that things so she went to Arcadio and she forced him to leave his charge. Úrsula restored the mass of Sunday. Pietro Crespi was rejected by Amaranta many times, she did not married with him. One day Pietro was found dead, When Amaranta knew the facts, she was sad and injured his hand, she put a band in her hand that she want to lead until dead. Arcadio before left his charge, he created the property office where José Arcadio legalized his properties even the graveyard. Aureliano sent a letter to Arcadio because Macondo will be attacked, He fought until he was captured and sentenced to died. His last words were the name of first girl was Úrsula and name of second son José Arcadio.


Aureliano almost the finish the war, he was escaping by the border. He was captured by the conservators. He was judged and sentenced to died. His last will was he will want to die in Macondo. They took him there. Úrsula sensed that Aureliano came back then she managed the house. When they arrived, Aureliano was taken to the prison. Úrsula was to visited him and she brought food and clean clothes. the squad were ready to run but José Arcadio came to avoid it. The colonel Roque Carnicero and Aureliano make friend and they fought together in the war. They went to save to colonel Gerineldo Marquez, they made the headquarters in Macondo. The conservators were tired with the war, they offer a charge in the congress and finishing the war. While in the Ursula's house José Aureliano Buendía was depressed so they decided to carry him to a room in the house. After a few days he finally died.


A few years later Aureliano José become young person. He has the custom to sleep with Amaranta. At the beginning that was normal because he was a child but he continued growing that was not normal. They saw hidden. One day Amaranta decided to finish that relationship. He was depressed and search to be with another girl. The war was finishing. the forces of rebellion was spread around of the country. The colonel Aureliano came back to Macondo. The colonel José Raquel Moncada become the mayor of Macondo, he was a great friend of Aureliano although they are in different sides. Aureliano put to the colonel Moncada to disposition of the court-martial, he was sentenced to died. His last wish was that his things were delivered to his wife in Manaure.


the colonel Gerineldo Márquez was thinking that the war was absurd because none side had won, then he decided to abandon the war and he wanted to conquer to Amaranta, but he can't. The colonel Aureliano became in a leader of all groups of rebels. In that situations the conservator prepared a document where they wrote many things in favor of rebels. the colonel Aureliano wanted to finish the war, for him the document is correct but the colonel Gerineldo Márquez considered that is a treason. The colonel Aureliano put him to the order of court-martial. He was sentenced to died. In the next day the colonel Aureliano was to see to colonel Gerineldo and they spoke. They went to sing the document. After that the colonel shot himself in the chest but he did not die. That action was considered as an action of a hero, because he was alive.


After a few years Aureliano returned to work in his laboratory. He was made small gold fish for selling in the near villages. The twins of Arcadio José already was adults. When they children, sometimes they changed at the school, other times in their house. One time they did not change again. Úrsula thought they had changed since they were children. They shared all of thing that they had even a girlfriend. When she knew the truth, she forgave Aureliano while José Arcadio never saw her again. Aureliano married with Petra Cotes. She sold raffle tickets. Soon Aureliano had many things in his farm. the villagers thought that were things are illegal. Aureliano believed that because his wife had luck. He carried her to around the farm. He has a los money. José Arcadio Segundo was working in his laboratory with Aureliano after he was entrepreneur and create new business. Macondo organized a carnival, Remedios was the queen, other people came there, in the celebration occurred a trouble, they were many injured people, Aureliano met to Fernando del Carpio after that he went to find her.


Aureliano Segundo was to look for to Fernanda. She lived far away. After he arrived an strange village, he found to Fernanda and he told her family that he wants to married with Fernanda. They accepted. The ceremony was in Macondo. It lasted several days. At the beginning has a trouble with Úrsula because they had different traditions. Aureliano Segundo y Fernanda had two children, the first was named José Arcadio and second was named Renata Remedios. One day he went to seek to Petra Cotes. It was because he needed her for having luck in his farm. After a while many children of Aureliano came there, the colonel thought that some of them could not be his children. They stayed there for several days. All of them returned them houses except for one Aureliano Triste. He stayed to live there and created a factory of ice. In other visit, Aureliano Centeno also stayed to live there. he was helping his brother in the factory of ice. the factory was growing, Aureliano Triste wanted to sell his products in other villages so he was a project for binging the train to Macondo. The citizens of Macondo were thinking that is imposible but he try to that. After many months he appeared in the village with the train.


Macondo was amazed by the train, many people arrived there to visit the town. One of them was Míster Herbert. He was a strange person, he did not have nowhere to stay. He stayed with Aureliano Segundo. He examined carefully a banana after that he went. After a while many people arrived there and build a new town near the train station. It was a place closed by electric fence. They had crops of banana. One day many people arrive to Aureliano Segundo's hotel. some of them could not stay there. Remedios was the only one who cared nothing. A persona was seeing while she was bathing, he fell from the ceil and died. The citizens were thinking that she has a trouble with it, after that he was to visit the farm, there was an accidente, a man died after he touch her. the colonel Aureliano said many thing to the government. In the same night all his children were killed. He felt anger and he wanted to promote the war again. He got a los of money and he went to the colonel Gerineldo Márquez and he told him what him was thinking. the Colonel Aureliano asked to help him to promote the war.


The sons of colonel Aureliano had grown, one of them was José Arcadio, he wanted to be a bishop and he took a seminary, the another son was Remedios, they called her Meme, she wanted to play the clavichord, she took a course. Aureliano Segundo left to Fernanda, because she did not have parties in her house then he went to live with Petra Cotes. There were many parties. One day Aureliano Segundo almost died. When Remedios returned to her home, Remedios and Aureliano were living together, they were pretending all is well. In the next vacations she went with her friends, the house is small for all of them, Fernanda had to borrow beds and hammocks. Remedios resemble his father. The colonel Aureliano always stayed in his workshop making gold fish, he did not sell it. One day he wanted to go to the bathroom, he went to the backyard and put his head in the tree, nobody had seen again until the next when Santa Sofía de la Piedad saw him.


After the funeral of colonel Aureliano, Meme returned to live with her family because she had finished her clases. She played the clavichord for her friends and family. Úrsula realized Meme took her classes only to avoid to her mother. One day Amaranta looked at the death and talked with it. the death said that she should make a shroud for her funeral. She started to knit the shroud. She did not want to died before Rebeca but nobody could know. Meme used to have parties behind her mother. Aureliano Segundo approached her. She took him all of things that she did. Amaranta continued to make the shroud but she did slowly, after a several years she finished the shroud, she said to the village that she will die soon and she could carry letters for their deceased relatives. She prepared her own funeral. Her family ha nine days of mourning. Meme was out with a boy. Mauricio Babilonia, when her mother knew it, she did not agree. Mauricio Babilonia visited her in secret but one day he was murdered.


After a while that Mauricio Babilonia was murdered, Fernanda took to Meme to a trip, Memo did not know where they will go. They got on the train, after they went in a ship, finally they arrived to her native land. Fernanda forced Meme to enter a convent. When Aureliano Segundo knew that Fernanda let her daughter there. He wanted to go to rescue her but Fernanda showed him documents with her authorization then he went with Petra cotes, he started to organize parties. After seven months a nun visited Fernanda, she delivered a baby, she said, this is a son of Meme, it is a man and his name is Aureliano. Fernanda did not want that boy, Fernanda said that boy was found in a basket in the river. Fernanda put the boy in a room for anyone to see him. José Arcadio Segundo was working for a banana company, he formed a labor union, he wanted to fight by their rights, because many of them did not have basic services. The employees wrote a request list to their employers sign it but they did not sign. after that the government sent the army to calm the situation. The employees were gathered in the train station, they wanted to took with their employers. the army killed them, after that the bodies were thrown in the sea. José Arcadio Segundo survived.


Finally Mr. Brown accepted to sign the request list of his employees. In that moment started to rain. He said that he will sign after the end of the storm. The storm lasted for several years. the crops of banana were destroyed by the storm. The company carried some things that did not destroyed to another place. The town that they had built was abandoned. Aureliano Segundo decided to stay in the Ursula's house, because he did not want to return where Petra Cotes. After a while the little boy escaped from his room and Aureliano Segundo looked at him. He was surprised and happy, because Aureliano Segundo recognized that he was a Buendía. After a several years the food was ended, Fernanda said it to Aureliano Segundo. He was angry and he broke many things after that he went to get food. One day he remembered that Úrsula had hidden money. He wanted to get it but he cannot. The storm finished, the village was destroyed, Aureliano Segundo went to Petra Cotes, she was preparing a raffle.


Aureliano Segundo was helping to Petra Cotes with the raffle, with the earnings they bought other animals to continue with their business. Aureliano Segundo made the tickets even he drew an animal that represents what they will raffle. They gave the majority of their earnings. They did because they consider Fernanda with their daughter that they never had. Amaranta Úrsula was enrolled in a private school while Fernanda did not want to Aureliano went to the school. Úrsula was completely blind and she fulfilled her promise to die after finishing the storm. The business of Aureliano Segundo was growing but it was never the same as before. After a while it knew that Rebeca had died in her house alone. After many years Amaranta Úrsula should go to the university and her father consider that the best university was in Bruselas, he will want Amaranta Úrsula will study there. Aureliano Segundo organized a huge raffle to collect money. he will go to raffle his property. After amaranta Úrsula was to the University, he came back to live with Fernanda because he was very ill and he will want to die at side Fernanda. One day the door of room of Melquiades was opened, there were José Arcadio Segundo y Aureliano for a long time. José Arcadio taught Aureliano to read and write, after that José Arcadio Segundo and Aureliano Segundo died at the same time.


After the death of the twins, Santa Sofía de la Piedad managed the house, but it was bigger, she could not do everything wherefore she decided to leave the house. She took her clothes, she did not have money, Aureliano gave her fourteen gold fish. Nevermore anybody heard anything about her. When Fernanda knew that she had left the house, Fernanda looked for her but she did not find. Fernanda tried to do everything in her house but he could not do anything. Aureliano started to do the food. Fernanda all the time was writing letters to her sons. She told them that everything is alright when everything is wrong. Aureliano spoke with Melquiades, he told him that he should be seek a book at the Catalan's store. Fernanda died after a while. Aureliano with his knowledge, he preserved the body. One day José Arcadio returned from Rome, he bought two sets of clothes. After a while José Arcadio began to live with four boys. One day they found the golden coins that Úrsula had hidden. Aureliano thought he should not be living with that boys then he expelled to the boys from his house. Th boys came back again and they killed him. They took the money.


Amaranta Úrsula returned from Bruselas where she had known to Gastón. They were married. Amaranta Úrsula started to rebuild the house because it was destroyed. Gastón did not unpack his belongings because he thought they would soon return to Bruselas. Amaranta Úrsula spoke with Aureliano and she said that him could go out when he wanted and she gave him a mount of money every week. Aureliano just wanted to buy book of the catalán sage. He knew many languages even Latín. Gastón visited Aureliano in his room many times a day because he wanted to befriend him but Aureliano only thought in the Melquiades scrolls. He started to decipher it. They spoke very little. Gastón managed his businesses from Macondo. One day Aureliano was going to buy a book. He saw many people that were talking about a fact to the history. Aureliano helped them to solve the trouble. They became friends. Since they gathered to talk. They were Álvaro, Germán, Alfonso and Gabriel. Aureliano fell in love with Amaranta Úrsula. One day he went to a brothel and he met to Teresa Ternera who read the letters and she said him that they will be together. Amaranta Úrsula did not want to be with him, after she could not say no and they were together.


Gastón wanted to create a business in Macondo so he bought an airplane but it never arrived there. Gatón decided to travel to Bruselas to supervise the business but Amaranta Úrsula did not want to do that. He went alone. Amaranta Úrsula and Aureliano were lovers for a long time. One day amaranta Úrsula told to Gastó that her was fell in love with Aureliano. Gastón did want them to be happy together. Aureliano abandoned totally the study of the Melquiades' scrolls because he just wanted to be with Amaranta Úrsula. After a while the catalán sage said that he will leave Macondo because he was old. He went his native land. In the journey he was painting himself. He sent his pictures to his friends in Macondo and said them they should abandon Macondo. Álvaro was the first in take a train to travel another land. Another day Germán and Alfonso took a train, they wanted to return another day but nevermore anybody heard anything about them. Finally Gabriel won a lottery and he went to France and never came back. Amaranta Úrsula was expecting a baby. When the baby was born, she died. Aureliano did not know what to do. He left the house and came back next day. the baby had disappeared, the ants had devoured him. Then he took the scroll and understood everything. It was about his family history. His ended was near. A tornado destroyed everything and him and his family perished.

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