jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Journey to the Center of the Earth by Julio Verne


One day the professor LindenBrook came back to his house early, the maid still had not do the meal, she is Marta and she was talking with a guy, in that moment she was rapidly to the kitchen to prepare the meal, he was there when de professor came into to the house, he went to the studio, Axel is his nephew, he lived there because he was orphaned, also his goddaughter lived with them, Axel thought that the professor is a great person, but he was selfish, because when He taught for himself not for students, he had a problema in his lecture, he was not a good speaker, but he had a lot of knowledge about mineralogy.


The professor had come back early because he had bought a book, he wanted to tell Alex about that, the professor said that book is amazing, Alex considered that was not an amazing book, it was old, but the professor said that the book had seven hundred years old, also it describe the chronicles of the kings of Ireland, it is a book writing by hand, and that book is the original, when the professor open the book a little piece of paper fall to the floor, the professor took it, and it was a scroll, Alex looked at him, the professor remained thoughtful, Alex was thinking that he did not understand the scroll.


The professor was thinking about the scroll, because he did not understand what was written there, after that he said that the scroll was written after the book, he estimated that the scroll was written two centuries after the book, and he believed that was written in latín, he translated the scroll and got a strange words without meaning, he thought that it was encrypted, he started to try to read it, he used to change the letters, he took vertical letters and formed new words, it was not correct, the new words were unreadable, after that the professor got out the house and go away.


Axel stayed at home, he wanted to go to see Graüben, because he was fell in love her, but he thought that the professor could return, then he started to organize the new minerals that the professor had, he finished after a few hours, then he was thinking about the scroll, the said that is imposible to read, and started to try to form words, he found some words in four different languages that were not meaning, then he was playing with the scroll, then the scroll was upside down, then he could read it, he was surprised, he said it is crazy, the professor must not know what it says, then he tried to destroy it in that the professor come in.


When the professor came back, he started to continue working with the scroll, Axel did not tell him that he knew how to read it, because he thought that is dangerous for him since he will go to that place, Axel fell asleep on the couch, while the professor kept working in the scroll all night, the next day the professor continued in that, the door of the house was closed, anybody could go out, in the afternoon the profesor opened the door to go, but Axel told how to read the scroll, the professor took the scroll and read it, after that the professor said him that it will prepare the luggage.


After the dinner the professor and Axel went to the studio, there were talking about the scroll, the professor was in a good humor, then Axel tried to persuade him to not go the journey, but the professor wanted to go, Axel told him about many circumstances that happening in the journey, and he said that is very dangerous, the professor said it is not a problema, Axel resigned it.


Axel went out to the house, he was walked around the city, he was thinking about the journey, he did not want to go, in that he looked at someone, she was Graüben, she was came back to the house, he told her about the journey, she was agree with that and she encouraged him to go, after that they came back to the house, the professor was preparing to the journey, at the next day they started the journey to the center of the Earth.


The professor and Axel departed from Hamburg, they soon arrived to Holstein, where they remained until the following day, that evening many things came there such as tools and instruments that the professor had requested for the project, the next day they went to Korsör and took a boat, after several hours arrived in Copenhagen, in the city the teacher climbed a bell tower with Axel this to start losing the vertigo to the heights.


On July 2, the professor began the journey to arrive to Iceland on a ship called Valkyria, they had to reach the population of Reykjavik, the professor when they were sailing felt dizzy, so the whole trip stayed in his room, the trip lasted for about 11 days, when they arrive there the first thing the teacher saw, it was a mountain behind the city, it was what he was looking for, while Axel went to see the city.


When they arrive there the wise Fridriksson  was waiting for them, he invited them for a dinner, in the dinner they was talking with Mr. Fridriksson, he asked them by their projects, the professor sais that he was interested in books of Saknussemm, in that Mr. Saknussemm said that all his books  had been destroyed, because he was considered a heretic, after that the professor said that he was to investigate de Snelelt, Mr. Fridriksson  offered them a guide.


The next day, Axel woke up because he heard to the professor speaks with someone, he was talking with Hans, he is the guide, they were talking a long time, after that Hans said the journey is about seven days, after that the professor started to prepare his things to the journey, he was organizing his tools, equipment and food, while Axel was to walk with the beach and he was thinking about that, the journey will start on June, 16.


The journey began very early in the morning, Axel was a little skeptical about the trip and thought that it was impossible to reach the center of the earth, so it was better to enjoy the trip rather than stress, they gradually moved away from populated sites, they arrived at a siege where they found a fjord, they cross it used a boat, at the end of their first day of travel they arrived to Gardär, a gentleman hosted them in his house, they dined and then they went to rest.


The next day the journey continued, there were fewer and fewer people to see, they moved farther and farther, after many hours of walking they came to the hamlet of Alftanes, they continued their way through swampy paths and stayed to sleep in the annex of Krösolbt, the next day continued their journey and on Saturday June 20 arrived at the Büdir, there lived some relatives of Hans, they stayed with them, then they left and finally arrive at Stapi.


The Stapi a small town with about thirty cabins, in that place they stayed in the house of a priest, who was not very kind to them, that night Axel mentioned to the professor that it could be dangerous the expedition by a volcanic eruption, the professor replied that there would not be an eruption, because he had analyzed the land and its surroundings, the next day Hand was waiting with his helpers to start the trip to the Sneffels.


The next day, the journey began early, while Axel was walking on the trails, he was analyzing the rocks and their formation, it took three hours to reach their foothills, the trails were dangerous, then they walked all day, they were about three thousand feet tall, Axel could not over, the professor wanted to stay there, but Hans the guide did not, because it was dangerous, they decided to continue, about midnight they reached the summit.


That night they slept a little, the next day they began the descent to the crater, Han headed the crossing, the slopes were dangerous so they decided to tie each other with ropes to avoid accidents, at noon they reached the bottom of the crater, there were three chimneys, the professor examined them, it was June 25th, those days were cloudy and rainy, but finally on the 28th the sun shone and his shade aimed at the central fireplace.


They were preparing for the descent, very early in the morning preparations began, Axel was worried, then they divided the provisions, the sensible ones would take them, the rest they threw it by the chimney, they began to descend, and they made several stops, approximately after eight hours of descent they reached the bottom of the chimney where they spent the night in that place, Axel was seeing a star.


The next morning they recovered the luggage that had been stuck, they ate a little and began the descent by a kind of cavern, they lit lamps, that illuminated lava walls, some were a dark color, while others were yellow, Axel was worried about the water, the professor said that they would find it when leaving that cavern because there was difficult to find water, in that moment they were to be at approximately 10000 feet of depth.


The next day they resumed their march, they continued descending through the lava cave, after walking for several hours they reached a fork, both paths were similar, the professor chose one without hesitation, they began to descend, but after a while Axel observed that no longer descended the path was completely horizontal, the lava path was over, Axel was worried because they could not find water.


After dinner, they went to sleep, the next morning they continued on the same path, Axel looked at the walls of the fossil cave, he thought they had gone wrong, he told the professor, but he continued on his way, After several days of road, they arrived at a wide place, it was a coal mine, that place did not make by humans, it was natural, after examining it carefully they did not find an exit, they decided to return.


Axel was worried because they only had water for a day, and the return will take about five days, they began preparations at dawn, they arrived on July 8 at the place where the road was divided, Axel was about to faint, in that the professor gave him the last bit of water he had, and he asked him to give him another day to find water, he fail in that, if he did not, they came back, Axel agreed to this request of the professor.


Early in the morning they began to descend by the other grotto, it was steep and they could see the descent, each time they were deeper, Hans was always in charge of the group, Axel was following them as they gradually lost more strength, they walked all day, and at nightfall the professor continued, in that Axel falls, they stop at that place, Axel can not sleep, in that he noted that Hans begins to move away from that place.


Axel thought Hans had abandoned them, but he had not taken the ascent way, but he went the other way. After some time Hans returns and he said something to the professor, he told him that he had found water, then they started to descent, after walking for a few hours they listened to the water, Hans made a hole in one of the walls of the cave, because the water was on the other side.


The next day Axel was in a good mood, he woke up the others and they had the breakfast, then they began to descent, they walked for a few hours, in some places the route was steep, after several hours of road they found a pit, it seemed to have rungs, they descended by it for several days, and rested on rocks protruding from its walls, on July 15 they came to a large grotto.


The next day, it was Sunday, the professor had decided that that day they would rest in the grotto where they had arrived, the teacher began to calculate with his notes, he wanted to determine the depth to which they had arrived, it showed that they had walked about eighty five leagues, therefore they were under the Atlantic Ocean, also they had descended some sixteen leagues deep.


They continued the march the next day, they began to walk and walk for several weeks, each time they were deeper, and on August 7 they were thirty leagues deep, they almost did not speak, then without realizing Axel was alone, he thought he had got ahead of the others, and started to back away, but he did not find them, he decided to follow the stream to return, but this had disappeared.


Axel took some time to think about what he would do, he decided to return, he took the ascending path, so he would return to the fork that separated him from his partners, after walking for many hours of ascent he found a dead end, he fell impressed, and the lamp he brought broke, it barely had a dim light, he began to return, but the light was completely extinguished, he went on his way, but he crashed with the rocks and walls, and fell faint.


Axel woke up from his unconsciousness when he heard a noise, he thought it might be some phenomenon occurring in the bowels of the earth, he paid more attention to listen again, he seemed to hear a murmur, and a few words, then he approached a wall and he started to speak, the professor listened to him, they were a league away, the professor tells him to return, Axel starts up but falls into a well and hits his head and he was unconscious.


Axel regained the consciousness, he could see a dim light entering a hole in the grotto where he was, he could hear the murmur of the sea waves, he thought he might be imagining, then the professor told him that he will be well, that Hans and he took care of his health and that soon he will be better, then they ate, Axel asked him about the light and the sounds, the professor told him that he could not explain it.


Axel decided to leave the cave, his eyes were almost closed by the brightness thing, after a few moments he could see, an endless a big sea, the shore with white sand, the air produced light by the atmospheric pressure, he could be seen clouds but also the granite sky, it was indescribable an immensity below the surface, they began to walk along the shore, after that they found a giant plants, in addition they looked fossils of animals.


The next day, they had breakfast, Axel asked the professor where they were, he replied that they were some three hundred leagues from Iceland, and about thirty leagues deep, they had passed about forty-five days of their trip, then Axel asked about of the following projects, the professor said they would cross the sea, and for that Hans was building a raft with wood that was on the shore.


At dawn the next day, they left the port of Grauben, since they baptized it with that name, the wind was favorable, after a short time the horizon disappeared, only water was visible on all sides, near midday Hans prepared a fishing hook, after a while  he caught a fish, the professor examined it and determined that it was an extinct species, Axel was about to fall of raft, since he had a moment of delirium.


On Saturday August 15 the professor was restless since they did not reach the south shore of the sea, this was longer than calculated by the professor, since they had traveled three times as estimated, in that two monsters of the seas make their apparition, they were dinosaurs, and began to fight among them, one of them falls down, and the other disappears in the depths of the sea.


The raft was moving at high speed, several days passed after the incident of the sea monsters, the teacher recorded the measurements of the trip, Hans climbs the mast to observe the horizon, he discovered a strange phenomenon, a water column that expelled upwards, and strong sound, when approaching it can be noticed that it is an island, the profesor in his calculations determined that they have traveled about 270 leguas in the sea, therefore are under England.


After several days of travel, the professor was impatient, because the sea seemed to have no end, suddenly they can see on the horizon a storm, it is beginning to form, Axel suggests lowering the sail and the mast, but the professor said that they leave it, he wants the wind from the storm to take them to the shore, the storm becomes a hurricane, they are dragged with great speed for several days, the professor said they are lost.


They began to hear a noise, it seemed from the waves crashing with rocks, they arrived at a beach, they were tired since the storm had lasted three days, that night they ate and slept, the next day Hans was recovering the instruments and tools, The professor began to perform calculations to determine their location, took the compass, he looked at it determined that they had returned to the starting point.


The professor could not believe that he was in the same place of his party, Axel told the professor that it was crazy to try again, he said that nothing will stop him and will try again, but at that moment Axel and he walk by the beach, it was not the same one from which they had left, they found fossils of many prehistoric animals considered extinct, but of supernatural dimensions.


After examining the bones of the animals, the professor found a skull, it was human, Axel and the professor were astonished, because they found a complete human body and it was well preserved, leaving aside some of the theories of other scientists, they found many other bodies, wondered how they had gotten there, whether they had lived in the cavern, and whether there could still be people alive.


They continued walking along the beach, they entered a diverse forest with extinct plants, there they looked with amazement at some giant animals, in addition they could appreciate a kind of human, but this one was giant, they could not believe it, they left immediately that place, they came back to the beach, there they found a dagger, and determined that it was theirs, they began to look for inscriptions on the rocks, and found the initials A and S.


They went to look for Hans to begin the journey through the grotto that they found, then Axel thought that the hardships that had happened were positive coincidences, that took them by the correct way, the next day they began the walk into the grotto,  but they found a dead end, they determined that was a rock, they decided to use gunpowder to break the rock.


The next day in the morning they prepared the gunpowder, Axel after lighting the wick goes next to the others on the raft, they move away from the shore, after the explosion the lights go out, the water starts to run, the professor deduced that behind the rock there was an abyss, the same as they have recklessly opened, they continue on the raft, but they have lost their provisions, and they descend endlessly through a gallery for several hours.


After several hours the raft hit bottom, they were fastened to the raft and it returned to the surface, the professor mentions that they are going up quickly, Axel confirms it by touching the wall of the gallery, the professor said that they are in a well, and the water reaches the bottom, it started to fill up, they eat the last supplies they have left, the temperature rises and a strange noise is heard, Axel thinks that it can be a catastrophe that is coming.


Axel thought that an earthquake that was going to happen, the professor replied that it was something bigger, it was a volcanic eruption, and that would help them to go to the surface, since they were in a chimney, the water that propelled them upwards, it had evaporated, they were being driven by volcanic material at high speed, the same time it was interrupted by few minutes, Axel thought that would be his final and lost consciousness.


Axel woke up and was gripped by Hans, with his other hand he held the professor, they were on the edge of an abyss, they had wounds on all sides, because they had rolled down the sides of the crater, they had reached the surface, they descended quickly, found some olive trees and vineyards, they did not know where they were, they found a child and they asked for the place, he answered El Estrómboli, they were islands in the Mediterranean.


They went to the port and went through shipwrecks, on 31 August they took a boat to go to Marcella and later to Hamburg, when arriving the whole town was learned and the professor gained great popularity, in addition, Axel managed to solve the problem of compass, since it was pointing north, as they were going south, their poles had been inverted by the electric current of the storm in the sea of ​​Lidenbrock. Hans returned to Iceland, Axel and Grauben were married, Professor Lidenbrock was recognized around the world.

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