miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

Crime and Punishment by Fedor Dostoiewski (sixth part)


Raskolnikof seems to be in a state that he could not distinguish the reality and his thoughts, he could not remember some things, many times he did not know how to went a place, one time he was a forest, but he did not remember how to went there. The last days he preferred to stay alone, but he was affected for that, because he felt that he was being followed, after that he decided to go to see Sonia, she was preparing the funeral ceremony with Svidrigailof. After that he returned to his home where he found Rasumikhine, he said that his mother was sick, and his sister received a letter, after that she was concerned, Rasumikhine went to see Avdotia, and Raskolnikof wanted to go out, in that Porfirio came there, he said that he wanted to talk with him, then Raskolnikof offered a seat.


At the beginning they were in silence, after a few minutes Porfirio said that he had to give him a explanation for the events occurred in the last days, he said that he started to suspect him, when he had hallucinations about a stone and bell, after that when he told Zosimof that he was the murder of the old pawnbroker, but, all of things only were suspicions, because Mikolka was the murder, after that he said that he did not believe that Mikolka was the murder, then Raskolnikof asked him, then who?, Porfirio said, you are the murder, Raskolnikof did not say nothing, after a few minutes Raskolnikof said that he should arrest him, Porfirio said at that  time will not but it has evidence, and he left the room.


Raskolnikod wanted to talk with Svidrigailof, so he went to see him, when he was walking by the market, Raskolnikof saw him, at the beginning Svidrigailof tried to hide, after a few minutes, he called to Raskolnikof, when Raskolnikof came there, he saw that he was with a girl that she was singing and a boy that he was playing an accordion, in that moment he invited him to take a cup of wine, Raskolnikof said that he wanted to talk with him, then he said that if he try to use the secret that Raskolnikof had to try to blackmail his sister, he would kill him before denouncing it, after that Svidrigailof said that she will help to save him.


Svidrigailof continued drinking, he took a cup of liquor, and he was drinking bit to bit, while he was talking with Raskolnikof, Svidrigailof said that he was not interested in her, because she was pure, and he respected her, furthermore, he said that he told him how was his married, at the beginning he was recued by Marfa Petrovna, when he was in the prison and he had a big debt, she helped him, then they were married, after that Marfa  hired a governess, she was Avdotia Romanovna, she tried to change Svidrigailof, many times she said him that he should change, but he did not want, now, he did not want nothing with her because, he is going to get married with another girl, she had sixteen years old, when he came there, he met her in a bar, she was a poor person, so he spoke with her family, and he wanted to get married with her, her family were agree.


Svidrigailof and Raskolnikof left the room, Svidrigailof took a different path, but Raskolnikof wanted to go with him, because he thought that he could to try to do something against Avdotia, after that Svidrigailof took a car and Raskolnikof went far away of there, Svidrigailof had a meeting with Avdotia, they were gathered in a street, she asked him what told her in the letter, then he said that place is not appropriate for speaking about that, then they went to his house, he close the door, after he told the truth about his brother, Svidrigailof said that he is a murder, because, he had killed to the old pawnbroker, he said that he could save him, but if she wanted, she doubt about that, she thought that it was a trap, she had a gun, and she used it, but she failed, falter that he gave the key and let her go.


Svidrigailov went to different places that night, in one of them he found a girl that she was singing for him, and a boy that he played a musical instrument, he did not drink liquor, only drank tea, after that he decided to go to see Sonia, and he gave many documents to her, they were payment receipts of the Catalina's children, also he gave her some money, after that he went to see his girlfriend, he said that he had to leave the city, but he will return, so he gave her a lot of money as a gift by marriage, after that he went to a hotel, he went to sleep, he had many nightmares during the night, at dawn he left the hotel and went to find a solitary place, but he thought that a crowded place will be better, he stood in front a officer, and he triggered the gun and killed himself.


In the same morning Raskolnikov want to see his family, but when was near from their house, he had a doubt, so was decided to tell them the truth, when he had arrived there, his mother received him, so they were talking several minutes, they spoke about the article that had published him, she was very sad, because she had a presentiment about him, they were crying, he said that he love her, after that he left the house, because he had to return to his home, there his sister was waiting for him, they were talking, she knew the truth about him, she said that he must go to the police officer, he gave her a picture of his girlfriend who had died, and she was the only one who knew of his project, but she did not agree, after that they left the room, and took different paths.


Raskolnikof went to see Sonia, she seemed to wait for him, she was worried, because she thought that he could take a bad decision, they were talking for several minutes, he said that he had taken a decision, he must go to the police station, because he wanted to tell the truth, she was crying, then he asked her the cross, she gave him a wooden cross, because she had the bronze cross, that was of Lisbeth, after that she wanted to go with him, but he did not want, she stayed there and he went to the police station, when he arrived there, he knew about the dead of Svidrigailof, after that he wanted to say something, but he had problems to speak, finally he said that i killed the old pawnbroker.

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016

Crime and Punishment by Fedor Dostoiewski (fifth part)


The next day Luji I was thinking about the problem with his ex girlfriend, because he was sure that they would get married, he thought that if he had given them some money the things would be different, after that he had a meeting, but it was terrible too, when he came to his departament, he has a friend called Andrés Simonovitch, they share the apartment , Lujine thought that he could help him to introduce to the politic life, because he knew many important people, but Lujine started to hate him. His friend asked him if he went to the food organized by Catalina Ivanovna, he said that he will not go, but he wanted to talk with Sonia, his friend went to look her, when he came there, he said that he wanted to help him with a raffle, and, he gave her some money, she took the money, and went out.


Many people believed that Catalina Ivanovna was crazy, because she did not have a lot of money, but she preferred to make a meal for the funeral of his husband, they thought that she could crazy by her illness. The lessor of his department was Amalia Ivanovna, she was helping to Catalina Ivanovna in the kitchen and preparing the meal, furthermore, she was in charge to other people to the meal, but Catalina considered that was wrong, because the main guests did not come, instead of them, other people arrived without invitation, after a while Raskolnikof came there and he apologized for not attending the ceremony at the cemetery, after that Sonia also came there, she was worried, because Catalina Ivanovna was upset, she thought that the meal will have a terrible end, she said something that ofended to Amalia, and she picked her silverware, after that she said that Catalina must leave the department.


In the room only listened the voices of people who had drunk a lot, in that moment Lujini appeared in the door, he asked by Sonia, Catalina was glad with Lujini, he went to Sonia, and asked for a bill of a hundred rubles, that he had on the table, Sonia said that she did not know about it, alter that Lujini said that he had counted his money, before Sonia arrive there. Then the only person who could take the money was her. Andrés Simonovitch was listening in the door, then, he said that is a dirty trick, because himself put the money in the pocket of Sonia, he saw it, Andrés saw how Lujini took the money and put it in her pocket, after that Raskolnikof told them that about his family, and he said that was a trap of him to blame Sonia, that will be a proof of his words, and he could reconcile with  Avdotia.


After of the incidents in the Catalina's house, Sonia went to her house, after a few minutes Raskolnikof went too Sonia's house, he had the intention to tell her the truth about the crime, when was there, he had a doubt, he thought that he was doing the right, then he decided to entered the room, Sonia seemed to be waiting for him, after that they sat around the small table, Raskolnikof started to talk about his ideas and ideology about power, and how important people could do bad things, after that he told her how happened the crime, then she understand that he had murdered two people, she was worry about it, Raskolnikof said that he did not wanted to confess the truth, but he asked her that she stayed with him. They were concerned.


Andres Simonovitch went to Sonia's house, because he wanted to tell her that Catalina Ivanovna had gone mad, when she had come, she took her dress and became in clothes for her children, because she wanted that her sons sing and dance on street for money, Sonia went to look to Catalina, Raskolnikof  went to his house , after that his sister came there, and she said that she knew about his decision, because Rasumikhine told her, after that he went to look for Sonia, she was looking for Catalina, they were near Sonia's house, the children were dancing and singing, a man gave them 3 rubles, after that Catalina Ivanovna started to feel bad, Sonia took her to his home, Catalina was passing blood from his mouth, Sonia put her in her bed, after a few minutes she died, Svidrigailof was living next to Sonia, he said that he can pay the funeral and take the kids to an orphanage.