lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Fallen by Lauren Kate


Helston, England, September 1854. Two young, one girl and one boy, she always wants to be with him, but he does not want to know about her, because he thought she will be better without him. He wants to leave that place, she discovered with a luggage, she will want to go with him then their started kissing and he saw over their heads a lots of shadows. He knew what is happening and all ended.


Luce is a new student at Sword & Cross. She just entered therre, the attendant give her information bout the place, she was with three other guys. Among the indications that the attendant were that they should not carry forbidden things, they are always watched by reds and they should get away from the problems. First should leave things prohibited in black box, everything stipulated in the list, including cell phones and beepers. The attendant said as consolation that could make a call a week. Arriane internal girl was a voluntary to take her to see the facilities of Sword & Cross, she took her around the yard, and showed her the buildings of the bedrooms, gym and classrooms. Sword & Cross was a military compound, but it was conditioned to school, physical appearance was neglected and dreary. Even they had a cemetery where they buried the dead of the Civil War. Luce started to compare the place with his former Dover School, a boarding school but looked different, in that place she met her best friend Callie. Luce yet know why her parents left there, in a reformatory, she thought maybe it was for what happened last summer at camp, when her friend Trevor died in mysterious circumstances that neither she remembered. When they reached the main courtyard she watched many students, all of them wearing the uniform, black jeans, shirt with long sleeves with high neck and jearsey, though they were custom as they wanted. Some girls had many tattoos and bracelets to the elbows. That a guy catches her sight. It is Daniel Grigory, who with his hand he made a move obscene, in that rings the bell to start classes and everyone starts to leave and enter classrooms.


Arriane takes Luce to the classroom, she takes a seat next to Todd after a while Cam and Arriane begin to talk around her, this was a little uncomfortable for her, Luce wanted Daniel was in the same class, but it was not, Professor Cole came in and closed the door, He gave some notes with the tasks to be performed futhermore it had the final work. It must have more than thirty pages, they used paper airplanes to send messages, the morning class was becoming interminable as they were three hours with the same teacher, after this Arriane and Luce went to the cafe, where Luce was looking for Daniel and Cam, but she failed to find them. Suddenly Luce had an accident with another girl, Luce spreads Molly' food, Molly is furious and wants to attack Luce, but Arriane intervenes to defend. Suddenly Arriane start having some kind of convultions, it appears that are electrical attacks her bracelet, she was taken to the infirmary and looks out as soon as possible from there to look for a bathroom where she can clean food debris that fell on her. In the bathroom he was despondent over that first disastrous day that he had and began to mourn. After a time a girl came into the bathroom, she calls herself Penn, she offered to help Luce, she is suspicious but ultimately accepts the help. Penn washes the hair and gives clean clothes to change into. Penn says he knows some things about Luce, Luce was amazed at how she knows so much about her if it is the firt time we met, Penn says it is administrative assistant and so has read your data sheet also she says it will be classmate in the afternoon.


At the end of afternoon classes Luce went to her room, she was passing through the corridor,  she noticed that all the doors were custom, after that she came in hes room and she felt nostalgic to think that she was so close to home, but at the same time as further, in that she heard knocking on the door, she had a message on a paper airplane near her door. She thought it was Ariane since she had invited to spend the night in her room, she went to see her but she wasn't there. Arriane left a message saying what she will stay in the infirmary. When Luce turns around to go back to her room, Roland's friend Daniel was there, Luce tells him that goes to the library, then Ronald suggests her visit the special collections. Luce decides to visit the library and special collections section and there the shadows begin to appear over his head. Daniel was also there, he was looking at Luce and they spoke a few words, she felt something for him, she didn't know what it was, but he was so avoid her, he took his sketchbook and left the place.


Starts the second day in Sword & Cross, not yet dawn, but she was awake remembering what made with her family on Tuesdays, suddenly she remembers that the previous day she had been punished. She rushes out to the graveyard, when he gets there, she didn't find anyone, She was waiting at the graveyard gate. After a few minutes Penn arrives there and tells her that the other guys are waiting. Luce shocked because She was there for a while and no one, then Penn tells the boys are near the monolith in the center of the cemetery together. She was quick to arrive, the Tros teacher and the boys were there waiting for her. The punishment was that they should form groups of two, Cam and Arianne offered to help Luce, Arriane and Luce formed a team. They had to clean the giant statues, while she does looks away to Daniel, she could not take her eyes off him, Molly said her that she should get away from him. Daniel and Luce suddenly begin to look and he walks toward her, they are very close they can almost touch, in that moment dark shadows appear on their heads, then the statue that suddenly begins to fall, they were unharmed.


On Wednesday afternoon, almost evening Luce was quickly on the phone to use the fifteen minutes. She had to make a phone call, she called her best friend Callie and Luce told her how things were at Sword & Cross, Cam suddenly came down the hall where was the only phone available to students. Luce had not realized that her time was up and the phone is automatically disconnected. Cam then invites her to a party which will take place in his room after the social gathering. All students must attend a social event that was to watch a movie with Professor Cole. After this event were Cam's room, there was music, champagne and an almost incredible festive atmosphere, as everything that was forbidden things at Sword & Cross. Daniel was also there suddenly left the room without others realized, Luce follows him because she wanted to talk to him, but when she leaves the room heard voices in the hallway, Daniel and Gabbe were talking.


Thursday morning, a loud voice woke to Luce, it said they should meet in the gymnasium, Luce was quick to get in the gym. Penn was in the door, then other students and Randy professor were there, the gym looked bad since it was built in a church. Randy began naming the students and gave indications that they had to do in the gym. Penn and Luce had to practice swimming, they were given a bathing suit. They immediately changed and formed for a challenge, Luce froze, while the others had already begun the race. Luce learned to swim as a child with her father,  but she did not know if she could do as they had long practiced. The coach Dante prompted her to start the race. During the race Luce hears the Daniel's voice and She devolved and lost the race. After the end of the race Luce and  Daniel starts looking at while he was training. The strange shadows make an appearance and then disappear. Luce stares at Daniel and tells him, it seems Luce knows him, the answers that they have never been seen before.


Luce was in a hurry to get to classes, but she found to Cam, they set up s conversation but she wanted to go to school because it was getting late, in that Cam tells her that she do not to go to school and it will be better to go to a picnic, Luce did not like the idea and she will punish by the teacher if she fails to attend their classes, but Cam finally persuaded to go, they went to a place rarely visited by other students. In the middle of the cemetery Cam prepared the picnic, it was a hot day and the food was ready, they began to eat. After a few minutes Cam approached Luce, she did not bother but was a little nervous when they were about to kiss comes Gabbe and tells the teacher is looking for, they decide to go to school, no one seemed her absence have noticed. They entered the library, a teacher told them to do a task on your tree, family, Luce could not concentrate on the task because Daniel was also there, enters the program to search and she just wrote Daniel Grigori.


On Saturday morning Penn was to visit Luce in her room, she told Luce that if  she wanted to know something about Daniel that she could help her, Penn knew the place where the records of the students were and they were there, they entered a kind of dreary basement room, there were many shelves with boxes of documents, she found the record of Daniel, but while she was reading, she was surprised, he had been arrested only by crossing the red light, there was nothing. Luce rushes out in fear of being discovered, after she had left that place, she started down the sports field, not realizing the ball hit her head, Daniel helps her up and takes her for a walk, she followed instinctively reach a small forest which had a small lake, Luce could not believe such a place existed at Sword & Cross, the two enter the lake and reach a small rock, where they have a chat. Daniel says he has no girlfriend, nor are interested in having one, then  Daniel went away from that place.


On Monday night, in the largest room of Augustine, Miss Sophia gave an review of the religion, because they were near the middle partial exams and how Luce only had a week, she should take notes for taking the test the next day. She had spent all day in the lounge, she had only eaten sandwiches. While Mrs. Sofia gave his class, students commented each of his words, Luce began to bother with them, Arriane sent a couple of messages, one was referring to Daniel, the other could not read, and she put it in her pocket.At the end of the class Daniel approached her, he apologizes for having left a sudden way the other day. They talked a while about religion classes had to Luce. She was more than exhausted that day after that she began asking Daniel for his family, he felt uncomfortable. Roland came to him and they decide to leave the classroom.


Penn says Luce to go to the library, Luce was amazed, she do not know what he was talking about, then Penn asked she, if she had received her messages she had sent to Cam, he had not delivered. He delivers them right away but also he makes Luce a present of a gold necklace with a pendant that had a snake head. Pen tells Luce read the notes that she sent to Luce, it can be seen that were photocopies, a list of students and a curious fact of Daniel, possibly an ancestor of Daniel have written a book, so Penn wanted to go the library to read it. When they reached the library they found Miss Sophia, who they say they are going to review for the exam. They were directed to the section where it should be the book but they cannot find it, Luce began to feel a strange chill, the shadows have returned, suddenly the fire alarm was activated, and they starts walking Luce meets Todd, both seek output,  the smoke covers the tops of the room, barely make it out, but Luce knows nothing about Penn and Miss Sophia who were also there.


Luce woke up the day after the incident, she was in an unfamiliar room, she suddenly looked at a girl who was sitting next to the bed where she was, She was Gabbe, Arriane also came after a moment and she gave their a drink. Luce still had a pain behind his head. Luce had a dream to Daniel, but it was only a dream. Luce asks by Todd, Arriane whispers that he's gone, Luce's mind suddenly came the memory of Trevor and she did not want to go through that. Luce's parents were doing the paperwork because she was in a hospital. She had inhaled a lot of smoke. Penn suddenly entered the room and told her that Miss Sophia was all right. After completing the view, the girls left the room, after their parents and police officers entered the room, they asked questions of the incident, Luce answered every detail of what she remembered. Luce looked Daniel. He said something that she didn't understand


Two days had passed since the incident of the library, that day is going to perform a religious ceremony in honor of Todd who had died, Luce was there, it was late afternoon, she wore a black sleeveless dress. Teachers and students gathered at the graveyard, and there was no chapel, an old priest held the celebration, at the end everyone went to the makeshift reception had been done, there Cam approached her and invited her to come out, if she wanted to go to other place more comfortable, suddenly Daniel approaches her and interrupts their conversation. Luce and Daniel begin to chat and they went away from the crowd, without others realizing it, they went to the small forest where they had been last time. Luce hoped that now was different and he did not go out of there suddenly. They were talking for a while, but that Daniel takes a path and disappeared into the trees.


It was a family day at Sword & Cross, parents could spend the Saturday with their sons, Luce's parents were waiting for her to spend the day together, they had prepared a small picnic with favorite food Luce, in the backyard, they selected a tree that provided shade, Luce had invited to Pen to spend the day with them, they ate together, then the teachers had prepared some activities for parents and sons, Luce chose the activity that Professor Cole had prepared the same which consisted of a historical tour of the cemetery of  Sword & Cross, they gathered at the door to start with the tour, when they were being in the graveyard, Luce meets Cam, he seems annoying because she is not wearing the chain that had given her. At the end of the family day, Luke's parents are leaving from the place. After Penn remembers her parents and she decides to visit their in the graveyard, Luce went with her, she was back, she looked at a guy at the top of the monolith, he was Daniel, Luce then understands that he is alone in the world.


On Tuesday started with rain, all the students were in their classrooms and they were not allowed to leave, it was a long and exhausting day. At the end of the day, Luce wanted to go to the gym because the last night she had a dream with Daniel and Cam. Cam gave her a little kiss while Daniel gave her a great kiss, she felt her skin was burning and she became in cinder. when she was in the pool, Penn arrived there y told her that she had information about Daniel. She went to the library and Miss Sophia helped them. then Cam came to her and gave her a small box after that they were so close that their lips were melted in a subtle kiss, in that she looks around and Daniel was seeing them, Cam and Daniel are set to discuss after they were fighting. Professor Cole separated them. Luce looked the present of Cam and it was a note that he had left.


The note of Cam was an invitation to leave Sword & Cross, she was waiting at the door and suddenly a car opened its door, she doubt but finally she got in the car and took her to the place where Cam was expected her, they came to a place not very stylish bar with careless facade, Luce was with the intention of telling Cam that she wanted nothing to him, and she was to return the necklace. Luce and Cam enter the Bar, where they start drinking, suddenly strange men appear and start bothering. Cam eventually begins to fight with them, in that moment shadows appear, Luce looks that beginning to form circles on top room, Cam is out of control, decides looks out at that meets Daniel and Luce goes with it, then he was driving for a while to come to a beach, they begin to talk, and end up kissing. Daniel is very concerned about what might happen, just say they will come and do not know how to protect them.


Luce awakens the next day in her room, she had received two letters, one was from Cam and another from Daniel, both were invitations to her, she decided to go to the cemetery to see Cam instead of Daniel. Luce wanted to make clear that Cam, because she did not feel anything for Cam, She was to the graveyard, she looked at Cam who was there waiting for her, he did not return at her until she was very close, then he apologizes for the behavior of the other night then Luce said to him that I din not want anything with you, then Cam tells her that is not necessary to rush into her decision between Daniel and him, Cam asked Luce one last kiss, she accepts, and suddenly she saw  to Gabbe and Daniel, Gabbe began to fight with Cam, she tried him like a child. Daniel takes Luce, they went to talk, then Daniel tells the truth, he tells her that he is immortal and every seventeen years, he met a girl in his life and he falls in love appears, and they always have a tragic end, and that girl always is Luce.


After the conversation with Daniel she could not believe what he would said, she just ran to her room and lay in bed to think about everything that were happened in that she found a note from Penn, it was next to book that they were looking for, reviewing the book Luce looks at a photo of a boy from 1845, was much like Daniel and a girl with him, looking at the photograph she realizes that the girl in the picture is very similar to her, then decides to look for Penn, she goes to the library, there was Miss Sophia, who I talk about what happened, Miss Sophia seems to know something, but she says nothing, Luce wanted to see Daniel, since then meditate and read the book told how everything seemed to make sense when they were in the courtyard looked at Penn near the cemetery, she told her that something was happening in the center, there had formed something flickering.


Luce imagined that Daniel would be there, she ran quickly to the center of the graveyard regardless of anything else, Penn and Miss Sophia followed her, hen they were arriving at the place, Luce looked at Daniel who was on top of a statue, she wanted to climb but she slipped and she fall, she was inadvertently in Daniel's arms, then she understood that was Daniel, he was an angel. At the moment she felt safe as he held her. Daniel told him he should not be there. Suddenly the shadows she had seen before, they began to appear everywhere, applause was heard in the distance, it was Cam, behind him an army of shadows has been formed, Luce did not understand what is going on. Gabbe and Arianne join Daniel and tells Luce that are out there, she with Penn and Miss Sophia began to walk away, Penn's shoulder injury, Miss Sophia carries her into a room, being there Miss Sophie closes all windows, she takes out a knife and ends with the life of Penn. Luce did not understand why she has done.


Miss Sophia after takes the life of Penn, she took Luce by a gloomy hall to get to a place that resembled a chapel, in the background you could see an altar, where Miss Sophia tied Luce her hands and her legs, then she began to search the knife with which she was to sacrifice Luce. She was still unable to defend themselves, and she asks to Miss Sophia although she kills her, Luce raise seventeen years, that Miss Sophia says she can only reincarnate if she had been baptized, otherwise she could not return. When she was just about to die a glowing light appears, it was Daniel who came to her rescue, Miss Sofia went far away, at the same time Gabbe and Arriane also enter the room showing her delicate wings, they were also angels. They decide to bury Penn, an innocent victim of a senseless war.


With the first rays of sun Luce went to the cemetery, so that Daniel knew where the grave was Penn's father, there was a cloud of dust all over the place, then Daniel takes Luce to the lake where they had seen days before, when they came there he says they have to cross the lake and that the other side was a plane waiting for her to take her to a safety, both crossed and reach the other side you could hear the plane, hugged, she did not want to separate from him, Daniel tells her to trust her instincts because she have many dangers and people you can not trust, when she gets there, she looks down to the plane to Professor Cole, Daniel tells her to trust him. Daniel and Luce say goodbye and start the journey on the plane that gradually moves away from Sword & Cross.